Shipping Meme: Day 4

Feb 11, 2014 12:51

Continuing the month of love...

Day 4: Favorite crack pairing: If threesomes count? Hermione Granger/Harry Potter/Luna Lovegood. My favorite Potter guy and my two favorite Potter girls. At times I can't decide which is my favorite Harry ship - H/Hr or H/L. I also have a bit of a soft spot for Hermione/Luna femmeslash, too. So it occurred to me: why not combine them all? It's not a perfect solution, because - while Luna's totally okay with it - Hermione's not always thrilled with sharing. ;) To this day I've never read or written any fic for this ship; it's mostly just a fun little idea I ponder from time to time. Well, I did try once to do a fic, but I could never decide whether I wanted to finish it, so it's in (probably) perpetual limbo.

Day 5: A crossover pairing you think would work
Day 6: Series that you have many ships in
Day 7: A pairing that disappointed you
Day 8: A pairing only you seem to like
Day 9: Your least favorite couple
Day 10: Ship that became canon even though you didn't expect it to
Day 11: Character you like with several others
Day 12: Character you don’t like seeing paired with anyone else
Day 13: Couple you ship that causes intense feelings in its fandom (read: flamewars and the like)
Day 14: Couple you liked even though you knew it would end up badly
Day 15: A ship canon really messed with
Day 16: Favorite villain pairing
Day 17: Ship you talk(ed) about with people in real life
Day 18: Most annoying character that tried to come between a ship
Day 19: Favorite Hero/Villain pairing
Day 20: Favorite couple played for laughs
Day 21: Favorite opposites attract couple
Day 22: Saddest unrequited love
Day 23: Couple you only shipped after a long time
Day 24: Couple you like, but is overshadowed by another couple in a fandom
Day 25: Most popular couple in your favorite fandom (do you ship it too?)
Day 26: Best historical couple
Day 27: Another couple you shipped a long time ago
Day 28: A couple you shipped not nearly as long as you thought you would
Day 29: Favorite ‘birds of a feather flock together’ couple
Day 30: Couple you will still ship a few years from now

harry potter, hermione/harry/luna, harry/luna, luna lovegood, shipping, h/hr, hermione granger

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