Shipping Meme: Day 4

Feb 11, 2014 12:51

Continuing the month of love...

Day 4: Favorite crack pairing: If threesomes count? Hermione Granger/Harry Potter/Luna Lovegood. My favorite Potter guy and my two favorite Potter girls. At times I can't decide which is my favorite Harry ship - H/Hr or H/L. I also have a bit of a soft spot for Hermione/Luna femmeslash, too. So it occurred to ( Read more... )

harry potter, hermione/harry/luna, harry/luna, luna lovegood, shipping, h/hr, hermione granger

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Comments 3

asweetdownfall February 12 2014, 06:45:51 UTC
I love the idea of H/Hr/Luna, not gonna lie! (And it makes sense, unlike Luna's canon ending. Ughhhh.)

And this meme is awesome :)


ladyaeryn February 12 2014, 18:45:25 UTC
Yeah, I wasn't so thrilled about the notion of her marrying some random dude not even once mentioned in the books. Then again, part of me would always think no one but Harry (or maybe Neville) was good enough for her. ;)

FYI, I haven't forgotten your fic - it just keeps growing!


asweetdownfall February 12 2014, 21:00:23 UTC
OMG Neville/Luna would have been so adorable!!! Sigh.

And take all the time you need! Long fics are my favorite, for the record :)


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