TV/Movie Meme - Day 4

May 19, 2010 21:10

Well, OKC dodged a bullet on the severe weather! On the one hand, I'm glad we didn't get hit with any tornadoes; on the other, I'm kind of miffed I missed out on a free steak dinner tonight for nothing. :P Oh well, life goes on. I did get some gorgeous cloud shots, which I've posted on my Facebook.

Day 04 - A movie that makes you sadEasy. ( Read more... )

star wars, meme, star trek, tv, buffy, farscape

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Comments 2

frostbit_sky May 20 2010, 04:25:49 UTC
I watched RotS tonight.
I was not in the right mind frame to be upset, thought I have never cried or been choked up.
Many icons and Robot Chicken have altered how I watch the films now...


asweetdownfall May 20 2010, 04:55:26 UTC
Eeee I'm glad to hear you're okay! <33

And I totes second the Buffy love.


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