It's aliiiiiive!

Mar 02, 2010 18:58

Wow. Haven't posted since January ( Read more... )

lj, rl, books, star wars, birthday

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Comments 22

heron_advocate March 3 2010, 02:10:26 UTC


ladyaeryn March 4 2010, 01:22:26 UTC
♥ ♥ :)


lazypadawan March 3 2010, 03:42:16 UTC
Happy birthday!

I know how it is with the anniversaries of losing a loved one. My only surviving grandparent passed away on Monday. The first one died in 1990 and I still miss him. *Hugs.*


ladyaeryn March 4 2010, 01:23:28 UTC
Oh man, I'm so sorry - been there. Still there. *hugs*


rosemerry March 3 2010, 03:54:09 UTC
Happy Birthday!
I miss you around here, but I understand about not wanting to post. I hope you'll keep in touch from time to time. *hugs*


ladyaeryn March 4 2010, 01:26:39 UTC
Thanks! Gonna try. :)


frostbit_sky March 3 2010, 05:12:02 UTC
Happy Birthday.

I was actually thinking of you the other day and was hoping all was alright.

Sometimes an internet break is needed.

Good luck on the move.

I am interested in your thoughts on Twilight, hehe.


ladyaeryn March 4 2010, 01:39:51 UTC
Aw, thanks. :) Everything's cool, just changing gears for a while.

The short on Twilight:

Meyer's prose is functional, not horrible, except for spending every other sentence describing how gorgeous Edward is or how klutzy Bella is or that Alice is like a dancer. I didn't feel like there was a lot of plot.

Bella is an idiot with no personality except EDWARDEDWARDEDWARD. Her not being afraid of Edward is meant to be brave, but it just comes off as completely dismissive and selfish. Nor do I get how someone so disengaged and uncaring is so universally beloved; certainly "shiny new Bella" wears off even in a place like Forks.

The vampire mythology was kind of interesting, but there was not enough of it and too much E/B for my tastes.

Not sure if I'll continue with New Moon or not. The NM movie was marginally better than its predecessor, but... *shrug*


frostbit_sky March 4 2010, 04:42:25 UTC
Yea, God-like Edward and klutzy Bella are so overdone. Only time they have a deep conversation is when they discuss Wuthering Heights in Eclipse.

There is no plot, till James shows up.

That is what I liked more about the movie. I felt that movie!Bella actually liked her Forks human friends.

There is more mythology as the series goes on. And more background on Rosalie and Jasper.


ladyaeryn March 6 2010, 04:43:14 UTC
This quote from another site best sums up one of my biggest problems with Twilight's main story:

"My main problem with Edward and Bella's relationship (aside from the obvious fact that both of them are about as bland and boring as plain rice) is that Meyer cleaned it up too cleanly too early, and threw up straw-man obstacles to make up excuses to keep them apart and to attempt to drive the plot."So much wasted potential for exploring the potentially messy issues that arise from a vampire and a human trying to have a relationship. Instead it's just Bella ignoring anything remotely resembling a potential consequence and Edward angsting over being close to Bella but not really doing anything about it. Yawn. At least book!Edward had a smidge more personality than in the movie, cracking a joke and a smile now and then - Pattinson's Edward had no sense of humor at all ( ... )


annearchy March 3 2010, 18:02:38 UTC
WB, bb :) I don't spend nearly as much time on LJ as I used to. OTOH I have become addicted to Facebook (we can has games!!) and Twitter, so, hmmm. BTW happy birthday:D


ladyaeryn March 4 2010, 01:42:44 UTC
Thanks. *hugs*

I lurk occasionally on FB, but I'm still pretty uninvolved there too.


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