RL roundup

Nov 22, 2009 11:50

-- Wow, a lot of the female SW fans (and several of the Twilight ones too) on my f-list feel strongly about that "Twilight = Girl!SW?" thing. I got more response from my off-hand comment to that issue than the CW episode discussion ( Read more... )

family, rl, grandpa, books, thanksgiving, work, health, star wars, twilight, teeth

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Comments 15

miana_dude November 22 2009, 19:40:00 UTC
Glad to hear you're over the worst of it.

And Mexico! I'd offer you advice on places but I've only been on the Western coast cities, and I'm assuming you guys would just be going to the gulf. ;-)


ladyaeryn November 23 2009, 01:02:51 UTC
Yup, just the Gulf, alas. Which I've been to before (well, not that specific stretch). Still, it'll be getting out of Oklahoma for a while. Which I'm always up for. :P


asweetdownfall November 22 2009, 20:37:36 UTC
I have no idea you had pneumonia :( I hope you feel a lot better now!

And that is great news about your sister's (new) job :)


ladyaeryn November 23 2009, 01:03:23 UTC
Thanks. :)


frostbit_sky November 22 2009, 22:08:38 UTC
... I got more response from my off-hand comment to that issue than the CW episode discussion!

I still have to see the episode ;)

I am glad you are feeling better. Gosh I can't believe all those people from your office were out sick 0_0.


ladyaeryn November 23 2009, 01:03:59 UTC
We're all just passing bugs back and forth, apparently. Not fun!


twi_lek49 November 22 2009, 22:33:34 UTC
Oh, man, I love love love The Time Traveler's Wife. Definitely one of my top twenty books. I'm sure you'll enjoy it. :)


ladyaeryn November 23 2009, 01:04:56 UTC
I'm only a few pages in - I'm intrigued by the premise, and my gut impression is that I like the writing style, but we'll see where it goes from here.


sarah_mitt November 22 2009, 22:56:57 UTC
Oh my gosh so much to comment on. I'll try to be short though. You said that Edward doesn't do anything for you and I realized that he is just so pale in this movie that I find him not as attractive as he is suppose to be but I thought he was totally cute as Cedric.

I read time travelers wife for a book club at my church and I hated it but I had another friend who loved it so maybe its just me.


ladyaeryn November 23 2009, 01:07:19 UTC
The paleness is definitely the bulk of it. I can't see how ANYONE could find that attractive in a man. Even Joss's vampires had a little color in their cheeks.

I've only just started TTW, but I can already tell this is probably one you either really love or really don't. My gut impression so far is that I like it, but I've still got 450+ pages to go. :P


may_child November 23 2009, 02:40:45 UTC
Angel > Edward. 'Nuff said.

I was in the bookstore today with a friend, perusing the mags, and as I expected, the Twilight cast was on the cover of every magazine except "Modern Electronics."

OK, OK, I'm exaggerating. But anyway...there were two mags with Robert Pattinson on the cover side-by-side, one where he had his white facepaint or makeup or whatever the hell it is on, and one where he didn't. Without the makeup, I could kindasortamaybe see what might make him so squee-worthy to 12-year-old girls, but when he's got his makeup on, nada. Pale is one thing. Paper-white is entirely another.


ladyaeryn November 24 2009, 04:32:08 UTC
Yeah, at least Angel has a little color in his cheeks. He still pulls a lot of the same crap Edward pulls, but at least Buffy puts up with it less than Bella does.

Pattinson was cute in the fourth Harry Potter movie. But the rolled-in-flour look just doesn't work on anyone.


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