
Apr 29, 2009 09:00

-- So Oklahoma may have its first case of swine flu. Looks like it's an isolated case unrelated to any of the other US outbreaks so far, though; the guy apparently just got back from Mexico. Health Department's already come back with negative tests on five other possibles ( Read more... )

florida, family, rl, vacation, movies, oklahoma

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Comments 2

frostbit_sky April 30 2009, 02:57:30 UTC
This flu thing is make me paranoid.

It is your dad's loss :(

Go see Fanboys.


ladyaeryn April 30 2009, 03:15:59 UTC
I've been watching more of The Stand on YouTube, and that probably hasn't helped things - the book is much more explicit in its depictions, but the mini still shows enough to unnerve the heck out of you. Especially when I look at news photos of how eerily deserted Mexico City is right now. Academically, I don't expect things to get really bad, but there's always that niggling 'what if'?

I think I'll see the movie tomorrow. I need a cheap laugh. ;)


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