lj idol week 2

Nov 13, 2010 02:32

 I long for deconstruction.  To tear down the false constructs others build up over me ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

the_vernacular November 14 2010, 05:35:33 UTC
Hmm! I'm not sure. Maybe the place to start is with the people who hold these perceptions, to find out why they do.


lawchicky November 14 2010, 15:04:46 UTC
I think you have to discover who you are for yourself first before you can worry about how it appears to everyone else.


joeymichaels November 14 2010, 21:06:37 UTC
Are you a cool rocker chic? What do you rock out to? :D


lady_hoshi November 18 2010, 02:55:25 UTC
I don't think I am one. My taste in music if far from it.

I like mostly anime soundtracks, gwen stefani, classical, beetles, Elvis, random selections of other stuff.

Mostly I think it is my accessory choies. He seems to like my arm warmers, and my pocketwatch chain, my short hair.


solstice_singer November 15 2010, 03:32:24 UTC
It's hard to be who others expect us to be. Everyone has their own ideas. It would certainly be less exhausting if we could simply learn to be ourselves.


rejeneration November 15 2010, 04:54:36 UTC
Start like you might start on a tiny package that was just delivered to you. Peel a corner, but not too fast. Just a peek. All you'll see is the same wrapper underneath, because you haven't peeled too far, but you'll get there, you will. You just have to have lots of patience, don't tear the wrap, and start really really slowly. The time is indeterminant, but it won't be long until you're there. If that's really who you are and what you desire to be. Those things change with time, too, which is why it's so important to go slow. =)


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