Title: What Doesn't Kill You Chapter 11
Pairing: HanChul, KyuChul, KangTeuk, YeWook, EunKiHae
Genre: Superhero AU, action
Rating: PG-13
Chapter 10 < ------ > Chapter 12
Character Profiles Siwon's Story Hangeng's Story Yesung's Story Henry's Story Sungmin's Story ---Eunhyuk didn’t know quite how to describe the new dynamics of their apartment, except that it
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Comments 27
Squad 12 is just starting to sound like a group of psychos being let out to terrorize kindergarten kids .____.
Possesive Kibum makes me laugh. Hero worship Henry just makes me want to pat him on his head.
Is Mimi going to make an appearance? Because if he does, he'd be an excellent addition to the group. Make him a useful and all things will be fab xD
The beginning with Hyukjae's insecurities part resonates so much with Ryeowook. It's just ;A; Though I think Wookie's power could be useful. It'll be like that girl from Sky High with the awesome power with plants but choose to be a sidekick because she didn't believe in using her power forcefully.
Waiting for your next update <3
Mimi SHALL make an appearance. When,how, and why is a mystery to all but me...and my roommates because I can't keep secrets from them very well. T-T
I'm glad you liked it.
This useful/useless thing is just heartbreaking but I also trust Heechul's opinion so I'm sure something will eventually come out to explain why is behaving like that v.v
I have to admit it... everytime there's a Hanchul moment my hear roar with joy. What I mean, it's not that I don't like Kyuchul (your previous ff KC killed me so maaaany times, the ones with the letters moved me so much ç_ç) but, well, Hanchul is my beloved OTP so I'm really, really too biased.
I always get jealous in place of our Chinaman T^T
By the way, I'll patiently wait for the story's development without complaining about the pairing. Heechul will know who to choose (?)
Thank you so much for this update! :)
(I forgot one thing! a
I never said whether or not Kyuhyun was going to get Heechul in the end. >.> that all depends on how I end the story.
/worships you.
wahh kyuhyun left alone in the room confused..
does really heechul have feelings for kyuhyun?KyuChul OTP!!~~~
this is getting more and more exciting...
I worship kyuchul.... They are my top evil babies in suju, also in k pop world........
Love kyuchul a lot and crazy for them and ur kyuchul fanfics....
Hanchul...... Is hot too....
Thz hannie, u save kyu...
Update soon..
Thz for writing
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