So, I took the ACT on Saturday, and instead of going home and collapsing for a two hour nap, I got a ride to the CultureFest at my old school. It was psycho. But there were a lot of friends I haven't seen in a long time
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I am alive! It's amazing, isn't it? I haven't touched this journal since Thanksgiving. Feel free to hurl names, tomatoes, shuriken, whatever strikes your fancy
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I actually made it back for another post (mostly because I'm waiting for a download and have nothing better to do). I should probably be working on that Salman Rushdie biography for World Lit, but my brain is in a partially comatose state that prevents any intellectual thought
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Holy jumping mackerels, it's been a while. I've been in the dorms for three months. In fact, right now I'm in school and having to run to class. Will update more later. Maybe.
Today has been a very good day. It was the final episode of So You Think You Can Dance (congratulations, Benji!), and the Top Ten are going on a tour. Not so fortunately, all tickets within a hundred miles of me are sold out. Bugger
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