Heroes! 2.01

Sep 24, 2007 22:55

Heroes rocked it tonight

Lots of awesomeness! )


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Comments 3

veracity September 25 2007, 05:39:17 UTC
No, no. Crazy Nathan isn't her Uncle. No, no. That's her daddy.

I only saw the last 10 minutes, but you know the incest is sooo over the top.

*misses Jessica*


lady_alatariel_ September 25 2007, 15:07:51 UTC
Ohhhhh that's right! I don't know how I forgot that! That makes it even more sad that he really didn't want to talk to her. :( Poor Claire.

Is the girl who plays Jessica in the new Resident Evil movie? I think I recognized her, but I wasn't really paying attention. It was more her voice that I recognized


veracity September 25 2007, 17:29:52 UTC
Yeah, I know right? But at least she has one daddy that at least gives a shit about her.

Yep, Ali Larter was in it. I noticed it from the commercials.


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