Heroes! 2.01

Sep 24, 2007 22:55

Heroes rocked it tonight

Dude Mohinder is just made of YUM! I'm not sure why he's so prettier than last season but he definitely is! OH MY

I realize that Claire and her family had to move away, but seriously, that's probably when you have to home school your daughter. Claire is so freakin cute there's not way she isn't gonna get noticed right away. And awesome, her new friend is special too! Definitely much better for her than creepy Nathan with his crazy beard. He almost looks like Peter Griffin on that Family Guy episode where Peter has baby birds living in his beard.

Awww Ando is so cute! I wonder what will happen when Hiro comes back and Ando has to tell him about his dad.

And Molly can't tell Matt about her dreams cause then guy will get him too. She probably shouldn't keep drawing though, or else she's gonna get herself or Matt into trouble. Too bad her other daddy Mohinder isn't there to help out!

Eeeee! Peter is very sexy. I'm glad he got a haircut, cause his hair was just awful last year. And damn, he sure has some nice arms!

I can't wait until next week!
Tomorrow night means Bones and House! YAY!!


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