Dressing Room additions...

Aug 17, 2010 09:21

This Linali comes from King_Jester's world. His profile addendum is here.

Linali has also had a difficult history in her world. Even though she's taken from Chapter 157 in the Manga series, she has a darker past that what is depicted. When she was first taken by the Order, in order to be 'pliable' and 'receptive' to the Innocence, she was tortured mercilessly so that she couldn't fight back. It was believed that because she was a stubborn and spirited girl, the Innocence had difficulty binding with her, so her spirit was 'broken' by Inspector Leverrier at the tender age of twelve.

It was common in the Victorian Times for men to pay huge sums of money for the honor of de-flowering a virgin, and the younger, the better. Leverrier had explained away his actions with the excuse that she needed to loose one innocence in order to have the other. Least to say, no one but Linali knows what happened, and she's so ashamed that she will tell no one, not even her brother who had promised to protect her from the Order. Her closest companions might have an idea what happened to her, but she's never said anything outright. She refuses to do so, believing that she's 'damaged goods' and that no one would ever want her if they knew. This is also another reason why she will avoid Cross at all costs. His womanizing ways frightens her and leads her to believe that he is in the same league as Leverrier.

When her Innocence evolved, the higher ups in the Order were afraid. This girl who had no worth by society's standards suddenly has one of the most powerful weapons in the Order to use against the Akuma. At the moment, Linali is worried herself, believing that Leverrier will think her new Innocence is to rebel against him and the Order and will try to do something to her again.

Her closest friends (outside of her brother) are Kanda, Lavi, and Allen. Though they are fiercely protective of her, she feels safest with them. She holds a strong connection with Allen, since it seems they are the youngest of the group and have had special treatment from the Order. If anyone had any understanding to her past, she's certain he would. She takes the extra time and effort to be kind and compassionate to her fellow Exorcists, especially those who have been treated extra harshly by the Order (namely, Exorcists holding parasite types.)

Unlike the manga and anime, Linali is never seen in short skirts unless she's battled Akuma and her clothing is torn. Normally she's seen in simple Victorian gowns with high necklines and long sleeves and skirts that drag on the floor. The gowns tend not to be as elaborate or beaded as the Victorian era, since she doesn't know when she'll be needed to fight and often tears her attire. She is careful to keep her body covered, since she doesn't want to draw undue attention to herself. Her shoes are simple and easy to wear since the red rings of her Innocence would interfere with the more fashionable high boots and she would go through more shoes than necessary when her Innocence is activated. Jewelry outside of her rings would consist of simple earrings and a choker with the symbol of the Order on her throat. Anything more would be a hazard to her work.

Her Exorcist's attire looks very masculine, if only for the reason of her job. Long slacks are snug fitting as well as a bodice with a high collar and long sleeves. It looks very much like a jumpsuit that can be covered by a cloak or have a full skirt addition for public wear.

When meeting new people, Linali is shy and polite. The fact there are multiples of her and her friends will be a strain on her mind, but she is a strong girl in spite of what the Order has tried to break. She will not be as volatile as in the anime, but she does have a temper that should not be trifled with.


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