Beneath the Shelter

Jan 23, 2012 04:38

My contribution to the 2011 Good Omens Holiday Exchange for the awesome Interrobam, whose prompt included a Dom!Aziraphale (yes, please...), wings, armor/ uniforms, and Crowley with body modifications (i.e.- earrings or tattoos).
I drew a million different versions of this, and worked out a whole set of heavenly armor for my favorite angel. I will probably add the sketches of it at the bottom of this post. This is the final expanded, inked and colored version of the sketch I wound up submitting due to time constraints. I love some parts and hate others (the wings, urgh, make me crazy) but it was a really awesome learning experience.
I can't help but giggle that the Mods over at the GOE tagged it Crowley/ Aziraphale's flaming sword. That demon was so uncooperative I nearly smote him several times myself. I'm also going to be up front about the fact that this >[amazing Aziraphale art]< was definitely my inspiration for Azi's sword. 
I've put more work into this pic than anything else I've ever submitted and feedback, even if you hate it, would make me cry with happiness since I am trying to learn Photoshop from YouTube and online tutorials.

Sketches/ Older Versions (Cause I got so picky...)

Exchange Version: (link)


Older Version

Final Sketch/ Lines

Aziraphale and Crowley belong to Gaiman and Prachett.

art, good omens, aziraphale/ crowley, wings, good omens exchange

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