I found a mad man in a box

Nov 13, 2011 19:00

It's been like forever. It's really weird to be here.

Obviously, LJ didn't renew my paid account so it's keeping me from using what's left of my userpic add on. Already complained about it and can only wait now.

Things are different, I'm a bit lost.

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Comments 9

phoenixrising06 November 14 2011, 05:52:54 UTC
I'm glad to have you back here, love. Just give it some time. I found my footing again, and so will you. <3


laballerine November 14 2011, 14:23:11 UTC
I hope so!


londonandtea November 14 2011, 07:56:44 UTC
Yay! You're back on LJ' Do you plan on staying? :)


laballerine November 14 2011, 14:22:04 UTC
I do wanna give it a try again.


ilaydanur November 14 2011, 16:18:45 UTC
It's nice to see you on lj again!


laballerine November 14 2011, 21:24:51 UTC
Thank you very much!


wilky_wit November 14 2011, 17:58:13 UTC
Hi! We haven't chatted in a while, how have you been?


laballerine November 14 2011, 21:25:23 UTC
Mostly having my ass kicked by medical school.

How are you?


wilky_wit November 15 2011, 01:48:48 UTC
I'm good. Just registered for my spring classes. I'm in a light semester right now (most of my classes are easy entry-level courses for my minor), but next semester I have my capstone writing class, and then another writing class, and an upper-level literary criticism class.


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