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Comments 118

forgingoblivion September 17 2011, 20:03:09 UTC
[Days has passed since his arrival, but Vanitas hadn't cared enough to count how many. If it wasn't for the nightly loss of his voice, he might not have noticed the passage of time at all.

He was back to square one, and he was fully aware of that. In all honesty, he didn't know what to do next - though Vanitas would never admit that, even to himself. He knew what he wanted...but as for how to get there, with things as they were...


With every thought, it seemed that another Unversed was born. It was almost as if what limited control he had developed over their creation was vanishing. Their appearance angered him in a way that it hadn't for some time - he didn't need them now, so he should have been able to stop their creation ( ... )


endtome September 17 2011, 20:16:28 UTC
[He feels him before he sees him. Like a sinking in his stomach, lacing his insides with anxiety, causing his shoulders to tense. And even then, Ventus keeps his face stubbornly trained on the ground, dreaming up a Frisbee, next. Just like the one Lea-]

[Just another part of the future that was completely messed up. It's not doing Ventus any good to think, not at all, so he simply grits his teeth and stops, at least until Vanitas speaks.]

[How could they ever have been the same person?]

Everybody starts learning somewhere. They're good memories.

[Though he keeps an eye on the wooden blade in Vanitas' hand, he doesn't look at Vanitas himself. Doesn't turn completely around, doesn't quite acknowledge his Other fully. If he did, then he'd have to admit it-]

I'm not fighting you again.

[ I watched you die. He killed Vanitas, and he's not quite ready to face that yet.]

[Not quite ready to face him.]


forgingoblivion September 17 2011, 20:49:50 UTC
Memories should be left in the past.

[A plain, useless wooden blade. Vanitas looked it over, and considered doing exactly what he did to the first one - he could snap it in half and fling it to the side, and remind Ventus that it was past time to leave those things behind.

Finally, he opted to skip the first step, settling for just throwing it away. It wasn't the original anyway, he could tell - breaking it wouldn't mean as much. It flew, but Vanitas didn't watch to see where it landed. Instead he just took a few steps closer, keeping his gaze locked on Ven.]

You can't avoid it forever.

[He extends his arm, summoning Void Gear.]

We only have one purpose. Why don't you just fight me now, and save yourself the trouble of hiding?


endtome September 17 2011, 21:30:43 UTC
[Ventus watches the practice blade fly, hitting the wall before it clatters to the ground, abandoned and useless. From there, it's just even more downhill- Vanitas gets closer, summons his own blade from the darkness, all sharp curves and wicked edges-]

[And Ventus panics, slightly. He's here alone, with only Wayward Wind and magic for protection. He's never been good with shielding spells-- would that count as fighting?]

I said no!

[He doesn't stop to think, or even consider this a stupid move. One of the cream pies is dangerously close to his knee, so he simply picks it up and--]

[Throws it.]


aseparateworld September 17 2011, 20:13:57 UTC
[There's some more darkness approaching. It doesn't come from the green-haired young man on the skateboard, but rather from two of his companions: the large, bipedal fox Zoroark and the purple cat Purrloin riding on its head.

N, for his part, is most interested in the doves and rabbits. More animals to try talking to! Some of the doves flutter over to him, and Pidove rises from his shoulder to play with them. Purrloin is watching the rabbits with interest, while Zoroark seems unimpressed. N smiles at Ventus.]

Hello. Did you dream these? I don't know what all these things are--items from your world?


endtome September 17 2011, 20:37:32 UTC
[Animals feel different from humans; though cautious, lest Vanitas is sending Unversed after him, already, Ventus simply looks up and waits for the party to round the corner, blinking at the odd animal's appearances.]

Uh, yeah, I did.

[Ventus looks around them, giving a small smile of his own.] Some of it; most of this stuff is from world's I've visited-- Disney Town had the best ice cream.


aseparateworld September 17 2011, 21:23:22 UTC
I've only dreamed up a few things so far, like food and my skateboard. It seems there's no limit to what you can make. [It's marvelous, yet it makes him wary, it seems so easy. He avoids the topic of ice cream, still unsure of food that comes from animals, like the cream Anna told him about.]

You've visited other worlds, too? I've only been to this one and the one I'm from. How is it you get from one to the other?

[[OOC: I'm guessing it would make sense for N to assume Ventus is Roxas, since he's met Roxas before?]]


endtome September 17 2011, 21:35:32 UTC
It doesn't look like there's a limit- but I tried to dream up one of my friends...I just got a headache. [So that was one thing out. There were still so many possibilities, though!]

I've visited about...a dozen, I think. I use my Glider in the Lanes Between; it's pretty easy, so long as you have the right armor.

[[OOC: definitely. Ven's also quite used to it by now! \o/]]


firststeptodawn September 18 2011, 00:26:26 UTC
[Riku is almost surprised to find himself in the familiar streets of Twilight Town - only almost, because if this place can bring Castle Oblivion then it can probably recreate every place.

Unlike last time however, he doesn't have to worry about being attacked by Heartless and/or those strange 'Nobodies' or about Ansem trying to take control over his body and can explore it a little more.

It's a nice place though, he decides, smiling as he enters the Tram Commons, except-]

Whoa. What happened here?


endtome September 18 2011, 10:27:39 UTC
[In the middle of the large mess, a blond mop of hair is poking out from under one of the tapestries. He may have tripped and... well, he was sort of stuck. It takes some tricky maneuvering, but he manages to get his head free, giving Riku a crooked grin.]

I guess I...happened.

Could you maybe-? [He could use a hand, really.]


firststeptodawn September 19 2011, 09:34:31 UTC
[He raises an eyebrow, looking slightly amused as he shakes his head. First assessment: You are almost as bad as Sora, Ven.]


[Let's get that tapestry moving.]


endtome September 24 2011, 06:29:04 UTC
[Just as bad, if not more. It's a struggle; it takes Riku pulling and Ventus rolling over quite a few times until he can dig himself out and sprawl over the top of the heavy material, panting.]

Thanks, Riku.


becomesking September 18 2011, 08:54:51 UTC
[ he was just going around making his rounds of the place, memorizing what he could. it would be best to make a mental note of where everything was in case he had to make any quick getaways from any fights he should encounter. His large white wings were spread behind him.

upon hearing a noise, he sharply turned, feathered tail twitching, feathers ruffling. he ascended to the Commons, and raised an eyebrow as he watched the place strewn about with miscellaneous items. he put a hand on his dagger, ready to attack anything that came near--

before seeing Ven.

and everything about him relaxed. ]

You have made a mess.

[ blunt. ]


endtome September 18 2011, 10:19:31 UTC
[Ventus looks up, face lighting up when he sees who it is. Giving him a wave, he carefully places some more of those cream pies to the side, before standing and trotting over to him.]

Hey, Zaheer!

[Rubbing the back of his neck, he smiles a little; his winged friend has a big point.]

It is, a little. But I'll get rid of it! Somehow... What are you doing here?


becomesking September 18 2011, 10:28:36 UTC
Hm, yes. 'Somehow'.

[ somehow indeed. his arms fold and he closes his eyes. ]

Simply finding my way about the city as it stands. It is impossible to navigate without properly seeing each street by walking and flight.

[ he walks past Ven, glancing down at his pile of keyblades, then at the doves and rabbits. one dove comes to perch on his outstretched wing. he doesn't seem to take offense. ]

I suppose you are experimenting with the fact that you may--as I have heard it said--"dream up" objects.


endtome September 18 2011, 10:34:07 UTC

[He sort of feels like a little kid now, with how overzealous he's been. And unlike him, Zaheer's actually been doing things, preparing-]

[...Well...in a few days, it won't matter. A shadow falls on Ventus face, too old a look for one so young, but he throws it off with a smile and a lazy stretch.]

I didn't know I could until the locals told me, so I'm just-- playing around.


rainbowfishing September 18 2011, 09:54:27 UTC
[Because she's maybe a little homesick, Vanille has her eidolon summoned and is currently riding around on it while it's in gestalt mode. It covers far more ground than she can on foot so she's found herself in more than one new place though.

Here though...well it's interesting and she likes to see new things so she makes the eidolon come to a halt, not hopping down yet as she takes a proper look around.]

Oh wow...what is all of this?


endtome September 18 2011, 10:16:37 UTC
[What...what is that? Ventus finds himself staring for a moment, completely gobsmacked, until he shakes himself out of it and gives the girl a nervous smile. You don't mess with people with...stuff like that.]

I was just...dreaming things up. It's kind of a mess.

[Why yes, he is embarrassed and a little sheepish and what is THAT?!]


rainbowfishing September 18 2011, 10:38:37 UTC
[Hecaton is a big sweetheart...and about a million times scarier when he's not gestalt mode. All those arms are pretty intimidating. She hops down though so she's more at eye level.]

That's so neat! I wish I'd done that when I first got here when it was all new and shiny and exciting.


endtome September 18 2011, 10:46:21 UTC
[At the very least, Ventus has that one, small comfort. And having been to so many worlds, he relaxes the longer it's there. Just another quirk from yet another world.]

How long have you been here? It's never too late to dream up stuff! [Just...look at his own pile.] We can dream up things together!

My name's Ventus, but call me Ven.


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