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forgingoblivion September 17 2011, 20:03:09 UTC
[Days has passed since his arrival, but Vanitas hadn't cared enough to count how many. If it wasn't for the nightly loss of his voice, he might not have noticed the passage of time at all.

He was back to square one, and he was fully aware of that. In all honesty, he didn't know what to do next - though Vanitas would never admit that, even to himself. He knew what he wanted...but as for how to get there, with things as they were...


With every thought, it seemed that another Unversed was born. It was almost as if what limited control he had developed over their creation was vanishing. Their appearance angered him in a way that it hadn't for some time - he didn't need them now, so he should have been able to stop their creation.

But he couldn't. He knew he couldn't.

So that's how his days passed - he fought. He defeated the Unversed, and watched more appear in their place. But he couldn't keep doing that forever. He had to try something else.

He needed to confront Ventus in person. He was through with waiting around. It was time for them to fix this.

Though searching for the other boy was more difficult in a city that he was so unfamiliar with, he knew that he'd find him eventually. So he had wandered, eventually reaching a place he had never seen before.

And there he was, surrounded by...seriously, what was all of that stuff? Vanitas didn't say anything right away - he just walked over to the pile of wooden keyblades, picking one up and looking it over.]

More of these. Don't you ever grow up, Ventus?


endtome September 17 2011, 20:16:28 UTC
[He feels him before he sees him. Like a sinking in his stomach, lacing his insides with anxiety, causing his shoulders to tense. And even then, Ventus keeps his face stubbornly trained on the ground, dreaming up a Frisbee, next. Just like the one Lea-]

[Just another part of the future that was completely messed up. It's not doing Ventus any good to think, not at all, so he simply grits his teeth and stops, at least until Vanitas speaks.]

[How could they ever have been the same person?]

Everybody starts learning somewhere. They're good memories.

[Though he keeps an eye on the wooden blade in Vanitas' hand, he doesn't look at Vanitas himself. Doesn't turn completely around, doesn't quite acknowledge his Other fully. If he did, then he'd have to admit it-]

I'm not fighting you again.

[ I watched you die. He killed Vanitas, and he's not quite ready to face that yet.]

[Not quite ready to face him.]


forgingoblivion September 17 2011, 20:49:50 UTC
Memories should be left in the past.

[A plain, useless wooden blade. Vanitas looked it over, and considered doing exactly what he did to the first one - he could snap it in half and fling it to the side, and remind Ventus that it was past time to leave those things behind.

Finally, he opted to skip the first step, settling for just throwing it away. It wasn't the original anyway, he could tell - breaking it wouldn't mean as much. It flew, but Vanitas didn't watch to see where it landed. Instead he just took a few steps closer, keeping his gaze locked on Ven.]

You can't avoid it forever.

[He extends his arm, summoning Void Gear.]

We only have one purpose. Why don't you just fight me now, and save yourself the trouble of hiding?


endtome September 17 2011, 21:30:43 UTC
[Ventus watches the practice blade fly, hitting the wall before it clatters to the ground, abandoned and useless. From there, it's just even more downhill- Vanitas gets closer, summons his own blade from the darkness, all sharp curves and wicked edges-]

[And Ventus panics, slightly. He's here alone, with only Wayward Wind and magic for protection. He's never been good with shielding spells-- would that count as fighting?]

I said no!

[He doesn't stop to think, or even consider this a stupid move. One of the cream pies is dangerously close to his knee, so he simply picks it up and--]

[Throws it.]


forgingoblivion September 17 2011, 22:02:49 UTC
[Vanitas was expecting Ventus to back off. He was expecting him to try to run away, or refuse, or maybe even ask questions.

He was not expecting to get a cream pie thrown at his helmet.

For a moment, he still. He lets the Keyblade rest as his side as he slowly tries to digest the fact that he can't see because Ventus had just thrown a pie at his head. Talk about never growing up.

He uses one gloved hand to wipe off the front of the mask, though it does him next to no good - the cream just spreads more, and he can only see bits and pieces outside of it. Maybe this meeting wasn't going so well.]

Do you think that this is a joke?

[He sounds so serious. Except he's still covered in pie.]


endtome September 17 2011, 22:24:55 UTC
[They're both so still, and everything's so quiet-- like the earth and heavens just broke apart, and the world's waiting on baited breath for the next, once in a life time event.]

[He can't...believe that actually worked. Vanitas seems to be in some state of shock, only slowly going through the movements of lowering his blade, swiping a hand over his helmet; which, to be honest, just seems to make everything worse.]

[Ventus doesn't know whether to laugh, or cry.]

No... [Ever so slowly, he stands. Pausing long enough to snatch up a pie tray in each hand, before straightening up.] But it is pretty effective.

[And so, a second pie is launched, Ventus clutching the other as he makes a run for it.]

[...Kill them with kindness?]


forgingoblivion September 18 2011, 04:29:57 UTC
[You would think that Vanitas might have seen that second one coming. If the possibility had occurred to him, though, it wasn't until it was far too late to avoid it. Whatever limited visibility he had regained was lost completely, and only the sound of footsteps told him that Ventus had made a break for it.]

We're not finished!

[Without even thinking, Vanitas lifts Void Gear and slashes, sending out a crescent of darkness. The aim is absolutely terrible - after all, he can't even see - but he wasn't thinking about that. He wasn't really thinking at all. Their conversation wouldn't end like this.

Unless, of course, Ventus was already gone.]


endtome September 18 2011, 07:46:50 UTC
[Ventus is honestly surprised when this one actually hits; not only hits, but dead on. Is Vanitas really that obsessed with what he wants that he can't even avoid a simple pie?]

[Ventus ducks around and obstruction just in time to miss the very edges of the darkness; but some of the bunnies aren't so lucky. He winces at the piteous little screams, wishing the poor things away and ducking out, just for a moment, to scoop up one of the doves whose wings had been clipped by the blow.]

There's nothing else here; you already failed!

[And so, Ventus makes off with a loud, squawking bird. He dreams it away with a whisper of apology, looking back as he goes with a heavily repressed fear in his mind.]

[Throwing pies isn't fighting. It certainly couldn't kill Vanitas, unless he choked on some cream, or something.]

[So the answer to avoiding the situation was...pie?]


forgingoblivion September 20 2011, 04:28:43 UTC
[Vanitas cares even less about the sounds of the dying animals then he does about his terrible aim. Right now, he wasn't very concerned about details. If Ven was running, everything boiled down to one fact - without being able to see, he wasn't going to get anywhere.

Without another thought, Vanitas removes the mask in one swift motion, throwing it to the side. It lands somewhere with a thud and a crack; he had thrown it with more then enough force to break the visor. That wasn't a problem. It was just a construct of darkness, anyway; he could fix it later.

He hadn't put any thought into what he would say to Ventus, or what he would try to do. But that didn't matter - he wasn't leaving.]

Stop running!

[Without another word, Vanitas follows in the same direction Ven set off in.]


endtome September 24 2011, 06:14:07 UTC
[Ventus glances back just the once-- to see Vanitas tearing after him, yellow eyes tracing the way ahead, connecting gazes with his own; he looks so much like Sora. Looks so much like him, and Ventus knows exactly why.]

[Does Vanitas? He hopes not. He hopes the two never meet, and this chase is just as much for Roxas and Sora's sake as it is his own. For Terra and Aqua, for everything he knows.]

[He can't do it again. He can't create the thing that Vanitas wants most, the thought of it making his heart pump in heavy, painful bursts, and his breathing to become ragged. He stops, turns- and throws the third pie, aim completely off this time.]

Why can't we both exist as we are?!

[Why does one of us have to die?]


forgingoblivion September 25 2011, 06:23:11 UTC
[This time, Vanitas was watching, and saw that he didn't have to dodge. He slows to a walk when Ventus stops, his face so etched with anger that the resemblance to Sora was almost nullified - almost.

Of course he would ask a question like that - of course. He could exist as he was just fine. No matter how weak he was, Ventus could go on living, completely ignorant of what was missing his purpose was. Or, if not ignorant, in denial. Vanitas could feel that hatred and resentment he felt towards his other half bubbling toward the surface; that same feeling that had made him want to destroy the other boy on the spot so many times.

He could, right now. If Ventus didn't want to forge the χ-Blade, then he wouldn't fight back. Then he could just find another backup. It would be so easy. He didn't even have to worry about Xehanort's orders anymore.

For a moment, his grip on Void Gear tightened...and then loosened. Better not to do anything stupid...or, at least, to save it for later.]

You're impossible. You don't understand anything.


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