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May 01, 2011 16:22

Who: The Medicine Seller and whoever.
What: The creeper's first appearance in the city.
Where: Gardens > City
When: Day
Warnings: He's a creep. Also if you're some supernatural being he probably knows it, and if you don't want him to just tell me. He skirts around subjects a lot anyway. Also you can switch to action brackets if so inclined.

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*the medicine seller: mononoke, yako katsuragi: nōgami neuro, rapunzel: tangled

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Comments 37

sun_droplet May 1 2011, 20:40:00 UTC
Rapunzel was finally used to this place and traveling around it. She wasn't worried about tying her hair up anymore. In fact, she now was using her hair to get around. It would become like a grappling-hook and help her get from place to place faster, which was what she was doing right now. And, she was having a lot of fun doing so.

Once her bare feet land on the ground she takes a moment to stop and gather up her hair again. Annoyingly, it was caught, and Rapunzel began to tug at it to get free it from it's grip. The second she started to pull with all her might, it released, causing Rapunzel to fumble backwards and get completely wrapped up in her own hair.



telestics May 1 2011, 21:02:15 UTC
The Medicine Seller continued on his way, his eyes only briefly flitting to the odd girl as she moved through the air via...hair. That was something new, hilariously enough, even for him. Once she drew closer though, he stopped, watching as she tumbled to the ground and coiled into herself.

For a few seconds he made no motion to do anything at all, then slowly began to approach Rapunzel where she had fallen. When he was right beside her, he leaned down slightly,

"Do you...need assistance...?" his voice was low, calculating, and he paused rather unnecessarily between particular words. There was no look of worry on his face, as he was not obligated to help this girl. But he was not a rude man, not entirely anyway, and she was...interesting.


sun_droplet May 1 2011, 21:09:13 UTC
Seeing the man surprised her. She didn't realize there were other around, and now this other had seen her mess up, which was embarrassing. Her cheeks turned a slight shade of pink when she began to untangle herself from her hair. Having this much hair got annoying sometimes, but she'll never cut it. It was better to have it then not have. it.

"I'm fine." She laughed nervously. "I didn't realize there were others around."

She pushed up her mask some, making sure it wasn't falling off. "Are... are you new here?"


telestics May 1 2011, 21:15:31 UTC
"You should be more careful."

He slowly pushed his own mask up to rest atop his head, leaning back to stand up straight again. There was a slight jingle from the box on his back, but only briefly before he turned his head away from her, as if something had caught his eye, only to look at the girl once more.

"Ah... " another pause, "New?-- " he raised a finger to his lips and tapped them gently, "Yes ...I am new here."


itaidakimasu May 1 2011, 21:27:11 UTC
Yako wasn't scared of going out, per se, she just hadn't felt up to going out for continuing her ongoing exploration of Promenade until she was able to put her captivity and being attacked by some doppleganger of her father out of mind. It had taken some time to come to terms with it, but she had. To an extent. Enough that she could venture out of Aphrodite's palace and wander the streets without flinching every time somebody called or beckoned to her.

She gained more and more confidence with each step, until she was peering around as curiously as ever. It helped, she supposed, that there wasn't any major damage from the Vengeance Children debacle left anymore.


telestics May 1 2011, 21:31:11 UTC
The Medicine Seller, while not entirely unaware of the odd auras and such from some of the residence in the city, was doing a damn good job ignoring it until something caught his eye. There were indeed no mononoke here, but there had been something before his arrival. Perhaps that was why he was here? One could only fathom a guess.

He passed by the blonde girl with mute interest, the jingling of the box on his back likely to catch her attention and the slight flutter of his robes when he strolled on past. He only cast her a brief glance, but it was entirely up to her if she was so inclined to investigate.


itaidakimasu May 1 2011, 21:36:12 UTC
Yako blinked, head automatically tilting to look for the source of the chiming. Her eyes widened slightly when she caught sight of the Medicine Seller, only to be replaced by a polite smile and quick bow in greeting. "Hello."

There was something...unsettling about the man(?), but Yako was well inoculated against the strange and unnatural by this point. Whatever her time with Neuro hadn't forced her to grow accustomed to, Promenade had.


telestics May 1 2011, 21:41:57 UTC
With one last click of his geta against the ground, the Medicine Seller stopped dead in his tracks when greeted. First his eyes shifted toward the girl again, followed by the slow turn of his head and another jingle of jewelry,

"Good afternoon," he greeted quietly, accenting every syllable more than he rightfully should have, taking his time even saying something so simple. He nodded his head to bow properly in return, "Are you ... ...a resident or a visitor?"


feycarved May 2 2011, 02:37:08 UTC
Elijah had already gotten well used to the notion of new and unusual fey around damn near every corner of this place: that "dark elf" Lioriley, whatever the hell that Vantas kid was, and probably more he had yet to encounter or were masquerading as humans. As such, he wasn't all too surprised to see the man on the road; his manner of dress and that thing on his back could likely be explained away by wherever he had come from, but those ears and the markings on his face clearly marked him as something not human.

So of course he wasn't surprised. But he was still wary, wary enough to abandon his other investigations of the day to tail him. He cast a small silencing ward about himself-enough to quiet his footsteps, but hopefully not so strong as to catch the fey's attention-and began his pursuit.


telestics May 2 2011, 06:59:27 UTC
The Medicine Seller knew he was being followed, but he made no conscious effort to actually sway his pursuer off his trail. No, this man must have wanted something, but it was too bad that his efforts were in vain. If asked the tattooed man would simply say that he was only a medicine seller, a boring human just like everyone else-- or, rather, mostly everyone else.

He traveled through the city, speaking to no one unless spoken to, addressing nothing of particular interest until he reached the quaint little market within. Funny, even in a world where one could dream up anything they desired, some wished for nothing more than the monotony of every day pleasures that they experienced back in their worlds; like grocery shopping and the like.

At some point he stopped, dropping his large wooden box off his back and settling against a stone wall. Nope, Elijah would find nothing of interest unless he actually decided to speak to him, and even then it was debatable.


feycarved May 3 2011, 08:34:51 UTC
Well. So far, this had proven to be a colossal waste of time.

Yet, somehow, Elijah was not completely deterred-mostly, yes, but that wasn't quite enough for him to call it quits just yet. He was certain there was something more to be found out about this person, even though whatever it was remained unclear after silent observation. Obviously he'd have to step up his efforts.

He dispersed the silencing ward, replaced it with a light protection ward, readied his magicks, and approached.

"'Scuse me, sir," he called once he was close enough, though still remained wary. "You wouldn't happen to know where this is, would ya?"

Not that Elijah was actually lost, of course. But he doubted that direct interrogation would get him any further than merely stalking his movements.


telestics May 3 2011, 08:44:40 UTC
Honestly, most conversation wouldn't get him very far. The Medicine Seller was not one to divulge information easily, if at all, and most of the time he ignored whomever was asking. But this man was obviously persistent and that in and of itself was rather intriguing.

When addressed, he merely shifted his gaze to the side Elijah was on, "Hm?" he hummed lightly, "This?" he motioned toward the area around them, painted fingers curling into themselves afterward as he pressed them to his chin in thought, "...No."

That could have been a lie, but who really knew, "I am ... as lost as you, sir."


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