How to Minimize Your COMMUNITY's Inclusion in Search Engine Results
Would you like to know how to minimize your community's inclusion in search engine results?
It's actually simple to do!
Note: You must be logged in as a community maintainer to be able to do this.
Log in.
Go to Profile > Edit Profile. (Or once you're logged in, you can use this LINK.)
At the top of the page (left-hand side), you'll see Work as user: -- next to it is a drop down window where you can select other journals! Click the drop down and select the journal (community) you want to work as.
Click the 'Switch' button.
The Work as user: area will now reflect (display) the journal you just selected.
Click on the (underlined) 'viewing options' link.
This will take you to the Viewing Options page.
Scroll down to the Additional privacy options section.
Locate 'Search inclusion.'
Put a check mark in the box next to Minimize your journal's inclusion in search engine results option.
Click the 'Save Changes' button.
That's all there is to it!
==CharlieMC, assistant moderator