RED Spy's Phone line

Oct 15, 2011 09:34

You 'ave reached ze RED Spy. I am unable to come to ze phone at ze moment. Per'aps I 'ave gone off to murder someone. Or, per'aps I am be'ind you..." *maniac laughter*

OOC- If you need to leave a message for ze Spy, please do so here ;)

phone, message

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Comments 27

I'm watching you ya backstabber.. forceanature15 October 18 2011, 03:58:25 UTC
You'd better stay away from my Ma or else I'll hit ya so hard with my bat that ya won't respawn straight... ]<

ooc:Hi omgosh I so cannot wait to do some Spy and Scout scenarios in the RP! :D


Re: I'm watching you ya backstabber.. l_espionrogue October 18 2011, 04:26:49 UTC
OOC- Oh man, I know! I was so excited when I saw that we got a BLU Spy for that reason! XDD Welcome aboard! :D


Re: I'm watching you ya backstabber.. forceanature15 October 18 2011, 12:35:16 UTC
ooc: Thank ya! =D


herr_doktor906 October 23 2011, 20:59:05 UTC
Ach, I hate leaving messages on zese things... Spy, if you are there, pick up!...


I am calling because of your dirty filthy cigarette smoking! Smoke outside and vash your suit! You smell like an unvashed homeless perzonn!!


l_espionrogue October 23 2011, 21:13:14 UTC
And you smell like a rotting peice of boeuf! You are one to tell me to wash my suit, and least uniform is not constantly soaked in other people's blood and organ fragmants!

You will just 'ave to get use to it. I would rather breath smoke zen 'ave to breath ze filthy air in zis place.


herr_doktor906 October 23 2011, 21:21:05 UTC
Dummkopf! You vill become inefficient if and ven you develop lung cancer!!!


l_espionrogue October 24 2011, 07:25:38 UTC
Zat would be where you come in, non?

I do not fear zat should happen. If I die, it shall be wis honour to ze old country, ze way God intended.


iamthescouthere October 27 2011, 20:16:14 UTC
Hey you. Go on our computer machine thing and read the log that stupid BLU Spy put up. The hell is he talkin' about? We got a sentry? You haven't been screwing around and disguising yourself as a sentry, have you? If you are, I don't even want to know why.


blu_scoots_mom November 23 2011, 19:11:10 UTC
Well, hello thea, dahlin'...

I know you said t'use this numba only in emergencies, but I had to call. I'll be in town soon, visitin' mah boy, if you can, come see me.

Aww-rev-ooir, *kiss noise*


l_espionrogue November 23 2011, 22:36:24 UTC
Ah, ma petite chou-fluer, you know zat you can call me anytime you want. My line is always available for you.

Zis makes me very 'appy to 'ear. I will see you soon, madame.


blu_scoots_mom November 23 2011, 22:42:40 UTC
I have a letter for you, dahlin'. Where do I send it?

Can't wait to see you, it's been fa' too long...


l_espionrogue November 24 2011, 07:26:43 UTC
Indeed it 'as, mon cherie. I 'ave 'sought about you many times since I've been 'ere.

You may send it to our 'ead office, and I'm sure I will be able to find it before anyone else does. Your son should 'ave ze address.

Al'sough, I would much ra'zer see you in person, It will still be lovely to 'ear from you.


blu_scoots_mom November 24 2011, 21:10:59 UTC
Oh, stop it, dahlin', you got me blushin' worse than a school girl!

I can always wait for you someplace safe, just like we do for most of our dates... I'll be here for a week, it's the longest length of time I could get away from the house...

Come see me when you can, I miss your strong arms bein' wrapped around me. *kiss sound*

(OOC: Aaha, yes, I've been reading, and that log is brilliant XD Migrate over when you can, and when the comedic timing works ;) Ah, good to know, thanks :D)


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