Chapter 1: The Fuck and the Boy Toy

Jan 21, 2012 22:48

Author: kyumin86eunhae
Genre: Crack, Smut, Romance
Pairing: KyuMin (Kyuhyun x Sungmin)
Rating: NC-17
Length: Chaptered
Warnings: Yaoi, slut!Min, unnecessary huge amount of smut (is that even a warning?), awkwardness due to my failed attempt of smut, embarassing situations aaaaand kinks. 
Summary: In which Kyuhyun loves his laptop enough to give up his pride. In which Sungmin is a slut, but only for Kyuhyun. And in which Kyuhyun's mother is just helpless about what to do with that boy called her son. Sequel to Abercrombie and Fitch's Fierce and Sex

The sequel is for simbasheart because she asked for it. The porn is for zaboomafoo76 because she is a pervert who is always asking me for porn. The fic is for chickenreality because she is the best sexytary I could ever ask for. And all the feelings I had while writing this are for sunnix3 because the one-shot of which this is the sequel was dedicated to her after all and because I just love her that much. The crack is for her too. <3

Kyuhyun was humming a little song while starting his laptop, up to a new round of Starcraft. Just as he was logging in, screen turning black for a short second, his mother stormed into the room, crossing her arms and looking at him with a demanding and accusing look. Kyuhyun decided to ignore it and began to shoot on aliens. His mother now began to audibly step up, almost stomping on the ground to gain his attention. Kyuhyun sighed and turned his swivel chair to Mrs. Cho.

"What is it, mom?" he asked flatly, not even bothering to take off his headphones. His mother's eyes widened, eye brows raising as she gave him a 'you-know-exactly-what-I-want-to-say'-look. Kyuhyun just raised one eye brow as an answer, replying with a 'just-tell-me-or-I'll-just-return-to-my-game'-look.

"This morning." Mrs. Cho just said and Kyuhyun nodded slowly. After his mom had found Sungmin laying on top on him, both of them naked and in a quite suggestive position, she had just disappeared in shock. Sungmin had given him a little smile after he had woken up, climbing down from Kyuhyun, of course not without giving his cock an affectionate peck, dressing up and then leaving the house. Not to mention that Kyuhyun was ridiculously hard aftewards. His mother hadn't spoken to him at breakfast table, at least not about that little incident and had been all in all a bit awkward, causing Kyuhyun's father, Mr. Cho, to send worried glances from his wife to his son who actually looked like he couldn't have cared less about his mom's behavior.

"What about this morning?" Kyuhyun asked, hand crawling back to his computer mouse, same as his glance.

"That boy. On top of you. Naked. Who is that?" his mother growled through gritted teeth, arms still crossed and nails digging into her flesh. She didn't know why she was that mad; her son wasn't a little kid after all but fact was that the guy he had been doing... inappropiate things with had never appeared in front of her eyes before the last day when he came over for... a biology project as she had supposed. Oh right. Biology project. she thought with a slight hint of sarcasm. But Kyuhyun had never told her about it! And Mrs. Cho was definitely thinking that she should at least know about her son's relationships when he was still living under her roof eating her food and LIVING AFTER HER RULES.

"Sungmin." Oh, how she hated that boy sometimes.

"Further explanation, please?"

"Classmate." Kyuhyun continued while he was already in the middle of his game already. Sometimes, Mrs. Cho had the feeling that she did something wrong in her mission as Kyuhyun's mother. But Ahra grew up perfectly fine, didn't she?

"And you and that classmate were doing what in the morning?"

"Sleeping. Obviously. Mom, what do YOU do in the morning ?" Kyuhyun sighed while entering a quick keyboard code.


"He came over last night." Kyuhyun said as if he couldn't have cared less and probably raising his mother's anger to a new, never before seen level.

"Why did he come over last night?" Mrs. Cho said in a helpless attempt of keeping her anger down. Her teeth were grinding, her fists were clenched as she was close to kicking that boy she was calling her son out of the window.

"He forgot his school stuff."


"Mom, I think it was more than just obvious that we had sex. Can you finally leave now? You are disturbing me."

"I won't leave this damn room until I AM DONE OKAY." she shouted in exasperation.

"Okayyyy I was tied to the bed because it turned him on." Kyuhyun finally sighed, just as if that was what his mother had been waiting for the last five minutes.


"It's not? What a pity." Kyuhyun sighed flatly before completely turning his chair back to his laptop again.

"Why?" his mother insisted.

"Why what? Why we had sex? Well, obviously we both felt turned on by each other so it ended up with me having my dick-"

"OKAY STOP." Mrs. Cho whined. She knew that Kyuhyun was doing it on purpose, saying things that would make her uncomfortable. "Are you two in a relationship?" she asked, wanting to clear things up about this... issue.


"You two are not in a relationship?"

"We're not."

"But you were sexually involved!"


"Without being in a relationship."



"Because he's hot." Kyuhyun somehow thought that it was very awkward to have this kind of conversation with his mother.

"Do you like him?"


"And you still-"


"Does he like you at least?" Mrs. Cho was close to flail in desperation. What to do with such an insolent brat?

"Nope." Kyuhyun knew Sungmin well enough to know that that slut only was for the fuck.

"You don't even like each other!"

"Exactly. Just plain sex." Kyuhyun sighed, hoping that his mother would finally stop complain.

Mrs. Cho, now finally at the end of her patience, stomped on the ground before walking up to Kyuhyun. This little brat even dared to talk to his own mother like that! She couldn't accept it so...

...Mrs. Cho kicked Kyuhyun out of the window? Well, almost.

...Mrs. Cho took Kyuhyun's laptop and threw it out of the window? Exactly. The result was the same as if she had kicked her son out of the window.

Kyuhyun died.

Almost did. He died mentally.

"MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" the insolent brat cried, hands almost ripping of his hair as he watched his laptop waving goodbye forever to him. It had been a good, loyal one.

Kyuhyun sank down on his knees, arms raising dramatically as he shouted a "WHY?" into the sky.

Mrs. Cho couldn't help but feel a teeny tiny bit guilty. Well, after all she just killed her son. Mentally. Or spiritually. Whatever. "So..." she started after her son had ended his dramatical speech to the lord. Kyuhyun elicited a few quiet sobs from his throat before turning around.

"Mom... it hurts. Here." he whispered, pressing his hand on his chest, right where his heart was located.

And Mrs. Cho was softened. "I'll buy you a new one."

Kyuhyun's mouth corner twitched. He mentally was dancing the victory dance but after all, he still had to suffer because over the loss of the old one.

"I'll buy you a new laptop when you bring him for dinner tomorrow." Mrs. Cho said. Kyuhyun's jaw dropped.


"No buts. I have the money."

Kyuhyun was sure that it wouldn't be that bad to have Sungmin dining with him for once. Only once won't hurt, right?

"But how do I ask him out for dinner?"


"I love you!" Kyuhyun said and trapped Sungmin between his body and the locker. Luckily, it was time for classes so they were alone in the hallway, nobody else than Sungmin hearing what Kyuhyun was saying.

"Pardon?" Sungmin stared at Kyuhyun in shock.

"Come to dinner at my place this evening." Kyuhyun continued and leaned a bit closer to emphasize his words.

"What was that?" Sungmin now finally bursted out in laughter as he came back to his senses.

"I said I loved you."

"Yeah, I got that. But why?"

"Because... I do?" Kyuhyun helplessly tried but actually understood that Sungmin's question was more than just reasonable.

"Is it because of your mom?" Sungmin smirked, giving Kyuhyun a cocky look that screamed momma's darling to him.

"She threw my laptop out of the window." Kyuhyun sighed while scratching the back of his head. Plan didn't work.

"Did she tell you to say you love me?"

"She told me to invite you for dinner but I didn't know how. She said that no girl in the world could resist that kind of invitation."

"I'm not a girl." Sungmin reminded Kyuhyun before crossing his arms.

"I know..." Kyuhyun sighed, staring at the ceiling. How would he ever get his laptop?

"You must really love that thing. You're crying." Sungmin giggled and Kyuhyun noticed that indeed tears of frustration had formed in his eye corners. "Well, okay. I'm coming. But only because you were so good that day." Sungmin agreed.

Kyuhyun beamed and hugged Sungmin tightly. Very tightly.

"Damn Kyuhyun!- Air-" Sungmin gasped out. Kyuhyun loosened his embrace a bit, enough for Sungmin relaxing and breathing. The hug somehow turned out a bit more than just a Thank-you-for-saving-my-life-hug you usually give a friend who did you a favor when Sungmin slightly turned his head to blow on Kyuhyun's sensitive skin on his neck.

Kyuhyun felt hot breath on his neck, making him shiver and invisible hairs standing up. He also felt Sungmin's warm skin, covered under the thin fabric of cotton and could smell that addicting scent of Abercrombie. His hands slowly slid down until they reached Sungmin's tiny waist where they came to rest.

Sungmin didn't know why this was suddenly happening but he couldn't stop his own body either, face coming closer to Kyuhyun's neck where he finally pressed a firm kiss, continuing by trailing kisses up Kyuhyun's long neck until he reached that glorious jawline. Kyuhyun gave Sungmin's waist a tight squeeze before turning his head and capturing Sungmin's lower lip between his own plump, full lips.

One thing led to another and soon Kyuhyun had Sungmin pinned on the locker, his lips moving against the older boy's in a wet, sloppy manner while his tongue was as far in Sungmin's cavern as possible, practically down his throat and stroking Sungmin's tongue deliberately. Sungmin was slightly surprised that Kyuhyun suddenly became all fierce and willing but who was he to complain about that?

All he could do was holding onto Kyuhyun's body, pulling it closer until nothing else could have fitted in between them. He couldn't help his body but his hands wandered down, groping Kyuhyun's firm butt who replied with a low grown into Sungmin's mouth, his own hands finding their way under Sungmin's dress shirt.

Who even cared that they were making out in the fucking school hallway or hey, that was definitely more than just a bit making out when Kyuhyun's hand slipped into Sungmin's pants, under his boxers and teasingly massaging the other boy's hipbone, wasn't it?

It maybe was but Sungmin gave a damn fuck. His vision already began to blurry from lust and he barely could control what he was doing when his hand had already grabbed on Kyuhyun's erection through the uniform pants, stroking it with a small amount of pressure. Kyuhyun liked it, he really did, which was shown by another raspy moan and the sudden leak of precum that Sungmin could feel through the fabric of the pants.

"Already hard and wet..." Sungmin moaned into their still remaining kiss before breaking free in order to gasp for air. They looked into each other's eyes for a short second, breathlessly pausing a bit before continuing what the human need for oxygen had stopped.

Kyuhyun lifted Sungmin up and hooked his legs around his waist. He gasped another time while Sungmin was moaning out rather loud when their crotches brushed, no, even rubbed against each other's crotch before their lips met again.

Kyuhyun had totally forgotten about where they actually were in that moment and while one hand was on Sungmin's precious bottom to support his weight in that position, his other hand was not even unbuttoning but ripping Sungmin's shirt of, revealing nothing but Sungmin's creamy white skin and a pair of hard, perky nipples beneath. The sight turned him on, making his cock throbbing in his now absolutely ruined pants.

He bent down, catching Sungmin's left nipple between his lips and lightly tugging on it while the tip of his tongue was sensually rubbing over the hard nub, eliciting more and more moans of sheer pleasure from Sungmin who threw his head back, no caring about the pain that shot through his body as it hit the locker behind him.

"Fuck!" he cursed, hips now starting to move, to roll against Kyuhyun's crotch and letting their cocks brushing with the most erotically explosion of feelings spreading in their bodies. Kyuhyun almost went insane at that feeling, hips aggressively rocking back, slamming Sungmin's ass along with the back of his hand against the locker which hurt a lot but went by completely unnoticed by both parties who were overwhelmed by each other's actions.

His brain only registered loud, needy moans, not even sure if they were his own or Sungmin's while his lips were wrapped around that hard nub, tasting the sweet, addicting feeling that invaded his cavern, spreading up his mind and blurring his perception. Kyuhyun felt hard rocks against his hips, his crotch, riding the senses out of his mind. He already felt a hot crawling spreading in his lower regions, hinting on his approaching climax when-

Well, when the bell rang and all the doors that led to the hallway opened. Kyuhyun didn't hear the ringing, Sungmun didn't hear it, both too engrossed in their own world full of the one aim of finally orgasming against the other boy's hard on. Well, and that's how it then happened. It happened to be the right moment for Sungmin to let out a very loud and high moan, right the moment when students were leaving their classrooms, cluelessly chatting about more or less interesting things.

"Aaaah fuck! Kyuhyun!" Sungmin came into his pants, the sensation of having Kyuhyun dry humping him overtaking his sanity.

He immediately had all the existing attention in the hallway focused on the two of them, Sungmin in a half undressed state, legs wrapped around Kyuhyun's waist while Kyuhyun just had been licking Sungmin's chest, more exactly sucking his pink, erected nipples, hand more or less inside of the other boy's pants and the other hand on his bottom.

Two girls fainted. Another one began to scream, causing a few other students to snap out of their states of shock. A few began to giggle, but most of them just gasped and began to clear their throat for no apparent reason.

Kyuhyun, just about to follow Sungmin, heard the noises behind him and realization hit him hard in the face. The level of embarrassment raised to a completely new extent because it really was hard to find something that was more embarrassing than getting caught by practically the whole school while dry humping the new student. Actually, it was impossible to find anything that was more embarrassing.

Oh well, maybe it was even more embarrassing to be new at a school and getting caught while dry humping your partner for a science project. Sungmin was quite positive that there weren't many things that could gain him the mere reputation of a slut faster and more efficient. Maybe the fact that his moan of ecstasy the moment he orgasmed was the thing to draw all that attention to them made it a teeny tiny bit more embarrassing.

All in all, both of them wished that they were dead in that moment and Kyuhyun was close to dropping Sungmin on the floor from shock if the latter hadn't immediately clung on Kyuhyun's neck to drop his legs from the younger boy's waist once he had recomposed himself from his high.

The attempt of buttoning his shirt failed as Sungmin realized that Kyuhyun had ripped it. Fuck.

And just as if all of this hadn't been enough, the teachers were leaving the classrooms now to check the noises in the hallway. Sungmin was glad that no teacher saw/heard him orgasming because then he would have killed himself. Definitely.

"What is going o- Lee Sungmin, what happened to your dress shirt?" a female teacher, Ms. Kim, asked, immediately dropping her books as she saw the two students, one of them having a huge erection straining his pants, the other practically half naked.

Sungmin slapped himself mentally as he was standing next to Kyuhyun very awkwardly, hands behind his back and looking anywhere but the crowd in front of him. And because this crowd consisted of horny teenage students after all who probably didn't even get half of what Sungmin and Kyuhyun had been doing, they, of course, couldn't let this pass easily.

"Cho Kyuhyun-sshi and Lee Sungmin-sshi were having... " a student started and, needless to say, had problems eliciting the word with the three letters from his throat.

But what did the school had Lee Hyukjae for? Porn addicted, perverted Eunhyuks don't have problems saying that word.

"They were having sex." he smirked while crossing his arms and staring at them accusingly. Sungmin, who was trying his best to keep his shirt covering his torso, palmed his face, wishing he was dead.

Ms. Kim blushed madly before she began to stutter. "They we-were- Y-ya! Lee Hyukjae! Stop talking nonsense!"

Kyuhyun cleared his throat audibly. "I think you've watched enough porn to know that we technically did not have sex, Hyukjae." he scoffed, making Ms. Kim blushing even more and the crowd of students bursting into laughter.
Sungmin tried to giggle nervously but was actually very worried, especially when he saw Mr. Park approaching them.

Mr. Park clearly knew what had been happening. That man was no one to jest with. He soon was standing in front of the both of them and before Sungmin could even gulp, he had grabbed his earlobe, painfully pulling the student's ear to his mouth.

"Principal. You, Cho, now." he spat through gritted teeth before pulling Kyuhyun along.

So the embarrassment soon turned into humiliation as Kyuhyun, with that uncomfortable bulge that might had eased down a bit but, well, only a bit and Sungmin, ripped shirt and an actually not to unseen wet patch on the front side of his pants, were brought into the principal's office by Mr. Park who was pulling their ears on the way. Not to forget that it also hurt.

"Principal Lee!" he entered the room without knocking or anything since that definitely was an emergency case and immediately shoved Kyuhyun and Sungmin into the office.

"What is it, Mr. Park? I'm actually-"

"Lee Sungmin and Cho Kyuhyun were acting inappropriately in the school hallway- what am I even saying, they would have fulfilled the act of sexual intercourse in the middle of the hallway if the bell hadn't rang!"

Kyuhyun mentally cursed while Sungmin mentally palmed his face. Mr. Park really managed to make their little, by the way very exciting and sexy, adventure in the hallway sound completely wrong and boring. Sungmin pondered if he would do it again. He quickly shot a look to Kyuhyun only to see that sexy face frowning up and the lower lip being chewed on nervously. Then his glance met Kyuhyun still quite existing erection and Sungmin decided that he would go all the way with Kyuhyun if they'd ever try it in the hallway again.

Meanwhile, the principal had his jaw hanging open while staring at his honors student and the new student who had just entered their school three weeks ago.

"I'm sure that - that you might got something wrong, Park-sshi - I'm sure that this is all a misunderstanding, a really big misunderstanding, right, Kyuhyun?" the principal started but somehow couldn't think of an explanation for that so called misunderstanding, especially not as he tried his best to unsee his honors student's hard on.

"We actually didn't plan on going all the way in the hallway." Kyuhyun said, just as if it would clear up everything. "I mean, it's friggin' cold there, what insane idiot would actually want to get naked there?"

The principal swallowed hard before opening his mouth again. Only to close it the next second again. After one minute if silence, he opened his mouth again. "What exactly have you two been doing in the hallway?"

Sungmin clenched his eyes before tapping his chin. "I think they call it dry humping." he mused. Kyuhyun nodded. "Yup, it's dry humping."

The principal kicked them out of the office with the words that he had to think of a proper punishment for them. Mr. Park could just shake his head, complaining about the horny kids nowadays before heading back to his class.

"What to do now?" Sungmin whined while grabbing his hair.

"Let's see what'll happen. But hey, you are coming for dinner, aren't you?"

Sungmin sent that sexy bastard a death glare before crossing his arms. "You're not helping, but yes. I'm not taking back my words."


Kyuhyun and Sungmin received detention for two weeks straight. Kyuhyun had to think of that dream that finally led to him fucking Sungmin but this dream would always stay a dream because Mr. Park was the teacher in charge. The first detention period was the next day already and Kyuhyun actually couldn't wait to have a whole hour next to Sungmin without being able to do anything to said boy. A whole fucking hour next to Sungmin. Just next to him. No talking, nothing. Too awesome, really.

He arrived at home at 4 pm that afternoon, immediately facing his mom who was standing in the hallway, hands on her hips and accusingly glaring at her son. Thinking of their houses hallway, Kyuhyun had to think of how it would be to bang Sungmin against or on the shoe cabinet. He quickly shook his head to get rid of those way too arousing thoughts because right in that moment the glares of his mother were more important. It was all about his laptop, after all.

"Cho Kyuhyun." she growled dangerously and Kyuhyun prayed that she wouldn't take away his laptop again. He cleared his throat to win time.

"Errr, yes, mom?"

"The principal just called me."

"He's a nice man, isn't he?" Kyuhyun tried to smile innocently but he should have known that his mother probably was not in the mood to joke.

"What were you and that boy doing in the hallway?" Mrs. Cho asked stiffly.

"Do I really have to say it again? Mom, I -"

"WHAT DID I DO WRONG WITH YOU? I mean, I know that a boy's hormones might get out of control from time to time but- KYUHYUN! IN THE MIDDLE OF A FUCKING -" Oh holy crap his mother was swearing. Kyuhyun already thought of the engraving on his gravestone. "-HALLWAY AND ALL THE STUDENTS AND TEACHERS SEEING YOU AND- AND- AND-" Mrs. Cho inhaled deeply "I actually have no words for you anymore. Don't you even feel embarrassed?" she flailed desperately.

"Well, I definitely could think of more comfortable situations, yes." Kyuhyun stated. "When do I get my laptop? I managed to invite him for dinner today."

Mrs. Cho was once again speechless. She just turned around, murmuring something about cooking dinner and sent her son up to his room.

Kyuhyun decided to do his homework. He had nothing else to do anyway.

Mr. Cho arrived at home early that day. It was just 6 pm when he opened the door to his house, exhausted but glad that he could come home earlier. He caught the smell of fancy food and immediately rushed into the kitchen, seeing his wife cutting onions in a very frustrated manner; chopping it with hard, aggressive hacks.

"Good evening, honey. Why so angry?" Mr. Cho said while stepping next to his wife, keeping a certain distance though. You never know.

"Your son." Mrs. Cho riled, almost chopping the chopping board into two pieces. Mr. Cho stepped back another step.

"What did Kyuhyun do?" he asked carefully.

"Your son." Mrs. Cho growled again before aggressively throwing the onion dices into the frizzling pan with oil.

Mr. Cho decided to say nothing this time. "What brings the fancy dinner?" he asked instead.

"Your son." Mrs. Cho spat out while waving the knife around in a very dangerous manner, causing Mr. Cho to hide behind the shelf, just in case. His wife had always been a hot tempered woman, he reminded himself.

"His little boy toy is coming over. I don't even know why I came up with that idea."

Mr. Cho decided that his wife now totally must have lost her sanity and walked up to his son's room. Unfortunately, he caught Kyuhyun jerking off right in that moment which was really a very awkward moment to experience.
Actually, Kyuhyun wouldn't even have noticed him if Mr. Cho would have just left the room, closing the door behind him but his father was way too shocked by his panting, groaning son to keep his mouth shut.

"DAMN, KYUHYUN, CAN'T YOU LOCK THE DOOR?" he yelled out without thinking and Kyuhyun, who by the way orgasmed right in that moment, fell from his chair in shock, staining himself with his sperm. He now was laying on he ground minus any pants, very awkwardly avoiding his father's face.

Mr. Cho mentally added this situation to the now existing 'Things I wish I had never seen'-list. He had no idea what to say and actually really regretted that he didn't just close the door and leave his son alone.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH EVERYONE?" Kyuhyun suddenly shouted out, hastily pulling up his pants. "This is the third fucking time during the last two days that I'm humiliating myself to death because some caught me during this!"

Mr. Cho blushed, just as hard as his son was right in that moment, and decided to change the topic. Which was hard, seeing his sperm covered son accusingly glaring at him like this.

"Your mom told me stuff about you." he said and Kyuhyun, whose patience had totally died off the moment his father caught him masturbating, just blew some hair out of his face while madly glaring at his father who was probably just about to madden him even more.

"What. Did. Mom. Tell. You."

"Something about a - how did she call it? Boy toy?"

"Tell her that Sungmin is not my boy toy." Kyuhyun growled while his look was telling his father to leave immediately.

Mr. Cho got it and left the room. What was wrong with his family? Everyone seemed to be PMS-ing even though he exactly knew that his wife just had her period last week and that Kyuhyun... Well, Kyuhyun couldn't even PMS.

However, Mr. Cho decided that it would only hurt to try to get to know any more about that awkward topic and just waited for what would happen.

A/N: Uhm. Hi. I don't know what this is. Came out of nothing. lol Hope you still enjoy it Jessie^^

pairing: kyumin, rating: nc-17, genre: romance, genre: smut, fanfic: sequel, genre: crack

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