Title: Caffeine Pairing: Myungsoo/Sungyeol, Woohyun/Sungyeol. Rating: R Warning: Nothing much unless I really decide to change my ending in last minute. Genre: Romance, Angst. WC: 9,928
“Cause Ur like caffeine, 난 밤새 잠 못 들고
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And somehow if along the way sungyeol knew the truth, i think he still be with woohyun but it will be different if myungsoo about it and at that time myungsoo already done what sungyeol told him to
Love surely make someone able to do anything beyond
Not long ago i had a similar experience... my position was myungsoo's ( with the difference that at first i was not aware of the "official girlfriend"). to be honest be in that position is awful; it's not only the feeling of being used, but of being the second option, "the non-official one". The worst part is to know that you deserve better, but you love him so much and you know this person love you a lot as well; you want to know if he is alright, if he is eating, sleeping... and then he is going through a hard time with "the official one" and you are the only one there to help him,and it hurt to know he is suffering for other person, but you just can't leave him like that...
Your writing is beautiful, you were able to describe every feeling, every experience the way it feels. I was totally identified with this fanfiction.
Comments 2
Love surely make someone able to do anything beyond
to be honest be in that position is awful; it's not only the feeling of being used, but of being the second option, "the non-official one". The worst part is to know that you deserve better, but you love him so much and you know this person love you a lot as well; you want to know if he is alright, if he is eating, sleeping...
and then he is going through a hard time with "the official one" and you are the only one there to help him,and it hurt to know he is suffering for other person, but you just can't leave him like that...
Your writing is beautiful, you were able to describe every feeling, every experience the way it feels. I was totally identified with this fanfiction.
I love it ❤❤❤
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