Title: Marooned on an Isle of Snow
Pairing: Tofuho (Jinki/Minho)
Rating: PG13
Word Count: 1100
Summary: Lost in the snow, Onew and Minho make several happy discoveries.
Warnings: Shameless fluff.
A/N: Happy Birthday, Jinki! You and your sangtae and endless smiles and amazing voice have helped me make it through this year.
'This is like something out of one of those dramas Kibum makes us watch,' he laughed, feeling Minho's echoing laugh against the top of his head. )
Comments 9
Questions nagged at Jinki, like would Minho get a cold and he'd have to nurse him to health when they, if they, ever made it back? Thoughts of warm porridge remedies fluttered through Jinki's mind as his boyfriend reached over with an amused smile to brush some snow from his hair.
...had be rolling.
but this was just so T__T precious and cute~~ ♥♥♥ ugh I'm dying from the cute lol~ thank you so much for writing this~ and so perfect for Jinki's bday~ ;D
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