Title: Rescue
kyrdwynRating: PG-13
BelovedFandom: Batman (comics)
Pairings/Characters: Tim Drake, Superman, Dr. Mid-Nite, Slade Wilson (mentions of Tim/Jason)
Summary: Tim is rescued from the Batman's cave.
Warnings: AU. Dark AU.
Beta: None
Previous Parts:
Beloved |
Confusion |
Revelation |
Conversation |
Dead Man's Memories |
Read more... )
Comments 2
Poor Tim! I could just hear his not my father/brother NOT my father/brother not MY father/brother mantra going through his head.
I still can't decide if I want this Tim to get back to his universe but I can't help but think about how *hard*/damn-near-impossible it will be for him to see all these people if/when he does get home...
And *why* does Superman look "off"? Hmmm...??
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