Title: Chérie’s Baby 5/6 -
Waiting Author: amles80
Rating|Genre: g | slash, family/friendship, UST/unrequited
Characters|Pairing: Conrad, Günter | Conrad/Yuuri, Günter/Yuuri, references to Wolfram/Yuuri and Yuuri/Sara
Summary: After Anissina has chased them away, Conrad decides to wait in the garden for the child to be born, and he thinks about
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Comments 2
ETA: I still haven't finished the story, but I am working om chapter 8. That might be the last one but I'm really not sure. I didn't mean for this fic to get so long, haha.
And wow, I'm so happy about your comment!! Because most commenters on ff.net are SO ANGRY with Yuuri (or with me for writing him the way I do *lol*) because most people are Yuuri/Wolfram shippers and kinda sorta hate Sara. :( I'm still amused by all the comments because it's sort of cool that people still care enough to keep reading even if they get upset, but nothing makes me happier than when someone actually likes that I write SaraYuu! :)
So, thank you! For reading, and for commenting! :)
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