Title: Chérie’s Baby 5/6 -
Waiting Author: amles80
Rating|Genre: g | slash, family/friendship, UST/unrequited
Characters|Pairing: Conrad, Günter | Conrad/Yuuri, Günter/Yuuri, references to Wolfram/Yuuri and Yuuri/Sara
Summary: After Anissina has chased them away, Conrad decides to wait in the garden for the child to be born, and he thinks about how he wants to protect his king and his brother from pain. Günter finds him there…
Word count: 1 732
Spoilers|Warnings: No.
Notes: Okay, so this story isn’t over yet. (I wrote this chapter last night instead of finishing the last chapter, after replying to a message from
zanganito - thanks for the inspiration!) I know you all want to know what’s going to happen with Yuuri and Sara (or not!) but this little interlude sort of wrote itself, so bear with me, please… This time Conrad’s pov again.