I'm sure some of you have already heard about this, but just for recapitulation:
The popular site fanfiction.net, has decided to take a charge against the M rated fanfic, that include MA content (over 18) and delete all of the fanfics containing such. Many of the fanfics that contain such scenes (sexual scenes, or any other scenes of the adult
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Comments 24
Regardless of the focus or reasoning for including the scenes--you broke the rules. If you want your work hosted someplace public, use your LJ, or an open archive like AO3 or adultfanfiction.net that allows adult material. It's unfortunate you weren't given some warning or something to allow you to cut out the offending material, but I'm struggling to have much more sympathy than that for people who've violated the rules that have been around as long as I've been in fandom :/
There are places where you can put up higher rated stories without a problem.
Don't get me wrong. I don't think ff.net has done a very good job of handling this. And I never liked their reasons for banning adult sruff in the first place and some other part of their TOS rubbed me the wrong way, too. But that is why I use other places that have Terms of Service I can agree with and that allows my fanfic.
Why not use your journal to archive your fic? Others have already pointed you to different places that would work.
(The comment has been removed)
Thank you for the response! ^^
You know why the came up with this policy 10 years ago? because they didn't want to pay for age verification software to block underage people from seeing adult content so they just banned all adult content from the site. Those age verification softwares cost a lot of money... but then again fanfiction.net is one of the biggest fanfiction websites on the internet so if they really wanted to I'm sure they could figure it out a way to make it work. they decided not to. It's their website they can do what they want with it.
The rule wasn't completely ignored since it was put in but it was slowly less and less enforced as time went on. I remember people bitching and complaining and fighting it the first time and the site owners ignored them. People made their own fanfiction websites and moved on. They lost tons of people then and I doubt they care if they lose tons of people again.
Like it could be any more complicated than that new (and utterly useless) feature of Image manager. Archive (which is a smaller site than ff.net) uses age verification.
It's easier and costs less energy than removing thousands of fanfictions - the greater part of the archive, probably.
Well, yeah, that's true. Their site, their loss.
Probably not, but then at least, we didn't go without a fight.
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