an appeal from a writer to her readers

Jun 09, 2012 22:28


I'm sure some of you have already heard about this, but just for recapitulation:
The popular site, has decided to take a charge against the M rated fanfic, that include MA content (over 18) and delete all of the fanfics containing such. Many of the fanfics that contain such scenes (sexual scenes, or any other scenes of the adult kind) have been going on for years - including some of mine. The authors work hard and long and have many devoted readers. Many of the fics aren't simply PWP, but include the adult themes, because it suits the, because it creates the right atmosphere, or various other reasons.
And it's not like they don't warn about such scenes. Most of them...most of us, do. If someone doesn't feel comfortable about reading such scenes, he is free to skip them. It's still the reader's choice what they read, as it is the writer's choice what they write.
I feel like acting like that and banning the fanfics, is taking away this choice from me - from us.

So I decided to do something good and spread the petition, that fights against the removing of thosands of fanfic, that we have been working long and hard on. I have already signed it. Will you?

I recommend you sign it. Most of my fanfictions, including my current work I'm focusing on, "Price of your Heart", and also most of my kkm works (which are admittedly on hiatus, but I do want to return to them once I get back into the fandom), contain adult material (on the sideline, not even in the main focus of the work) and are thus endangered of deleting. Such a thing would probably demoralize me to no end. All of your kind reviews, the work of the past months...gone.

It's your choice whether you sign this petition, or not, but as a writer, I turn now to the fans of my works. To you, the fans of fanfiction, our supporters. We need signatures to save our fanfictions. If you want to continue to read them on, please sign this. It would give me, just as the rest of us fanfiction writers massive feedback.

Thank you.

EDIT - in response of the comments from 9th-10th june 2012

Oh I really wanna laugh so hard now.

Yes! It's true! There is a policy against MA fanfics there.
But guess what?
It's been there for 10 years. Once again to emphasize: 10. YEARS. In those ten years no one has ever acted like that policy existed. MA fanfics appeared for ten years cheerfully and merrily and the mods never bothered to send a single line of "Your fanfic contains adult material, please remove it, or we will." And now, after (I repeat) 10 years, they decided to remove fanfics that have been going on for years now (and in those years no one bothered to even leave a hint that they shouldn't be there) and purge the accounts.
Like there aren't any better solutions to this problem (*hint* age conformation *hint*). If they do this, they loose the majority of their archive, hundreds of users and their best fanfictions. They're probably finished.
If I get purged, I won't return to the site, even if they paid me. I think most of us writers feel this way. In short: If they do this, they're finished.
Violence and sex are a part of life. Not everything is as happy and cheerfull as kkm and pretending that it is, is closing your eyes from reality. And the writers warn about such content, not once. If you don't like, you don't read, you don't sew. It's as easy. Whatever happened to "Unleash your imagination", I don't know. The censorship is an oxymoron to that catchphrase. This is screaming hypocrisy.
Just because a group of writer abusing kids decided that they'd rather sew, because they can't get a hold of themselves...well, if the mods of decide they'd rathe rlisten to them, than to the voices of 25,000 people...then I probably should open my eyes and really search for a more friendly, non hypocritical site.

Last, but not least, I am not forcing anyone to sign. I'm just kindly asking poeple who are the same opinion as me, to do so.

If you aren't of the same opinion, then fine. We live in a free land, but please take notice, that this is for those that agree with us, the ones that are signing this.

That's all I have to say.

------------*|Free Online Petitions

The link to the petition doesn't show, if I share it like this, but, if you go here:
and click the "share with website or blog" link, it'll show an embed code (this one, that doesn't work) and next to it the panel with the red buttom "sign petition". Click that, if you want to sign it.

A huge thank to those who have already done so, or will decide to do so.


Your fanfiction writer,

P.S.: Mods, if this isn't allowed, I'm sorry. Delete it, if you need to, but I'm sincerely asking you, to give it a little time? AT least 24 hours, or so? Could you? This petition is very important for us.

news, author - manaika, fandom, petition

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