Title: Alone Pairing: Kame/Tanaka Rating: PG Summary: Jin has left KAT-TUN leaving the rest of the group to move on without him. Koki has stepped into the role of being Kame's support.
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ((flails)) I knew I loved Koki for a reason Save my Kame This was so sweeeeet Thank you for writing this This has really brightened my day ((hugs))
~~ Still not sure whether to be KoKame fan or not (well, still stucked in the Akame forever phase ^^;) but this was sweet and Koki was sweet and always caring though Jin, well, who knows what Jin, right?
Heh, thanks for inviting me ^^ but I think I will stay where I am right now, just for a little bit... but I promise to come to visit you once in a while, to enjoy the happy/fluffy moments we all need so badly sometimes, ok?
.... LOL and Junno with his inability to read the atmosphere here, once again... that's funny and soo true! ~
How sweet...I love it... I always see Koki in the 'Knight in Shinning Armour' role... Always believe he will be the pillar of strength for the group. Just like the way he denied the disband rumors in the interview...He'll be there for Kame!
Comments 18
I knew I loved Koki for a reason
Save my Kame
This was so sweeeeet
Thank you for writing this
This has really brightened my day
THe first Kokame i read!! i love it!!
I like your fic. Thumbs up ^^
we're all the time fluffy and NO-angst, guaranteed XDXD
Just Kidding <3
.... LOL and Junno with his inability to read the atmosphere here, once again... that's funny and soo true! ~
i love it so much(im such a kokame fangirl..xD)
koki so sweet..if jin was not there..
atleast koki is..:)
thanks for this^.^
thanks for reading :)
I always see Koki in the 'Knight in Shinning Armour' role...
Always believe he will be the pillar of strength for the group. Just like the way he denied the disband rumors in the interview...He'll be there for Kame!
thanks for reading :)
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