
Aug 01, 2010 12:44

Title: Alone
Pairing: Kame/Tanaka
Rating: PG
Summary: Jin has left KAT-TUN leaving the rest of the group to move on without him. Koki has stepped into the role of being Kame's support.

KAT-TUN had been in shock the day that Johnny-sama told them that Akanishi Jin would not be returning to the group.  Jin had decided that he would go solo. They couldn't believe that Jin hadn't told them himself.  Ueda had cried when they got the news. He was close friends with Jin. The whole group cried. They couldn't see a life without Jin.

Kamenashi Kazuya had been hit hardest by the news. With Jin’s leaving, Johnny-sama had named him the leader of KAT-TUN. Kame didn't want to be the leader of the group.  But the role had been foisted onto him. His workload had tripled overnight.

Tanaka Koki knew his job. He had fallen back into the old role as soon as KAT-TUN had been told that Jin was going solo. Koki stayed at Kame's side, supporting him. Though Kame had never told him thank you. Had never even acknowledged Koki's role.  Koki would go on being there for him.

That night’s concert had been very busy. Most of the fans had been supportive. They shouted their encouragements. It made the group feel good, that it didn't matter that the group now had only five members.

There were a few; Koki didn't think of them as fans, they would shout at Kame every time he got near them. They blamed Kame for Jin's going solo.

The worst was during the talk time. They kept interrupting Kame.  They screamed their displeasure at him. Kame flinched, but he was professional. He tried to act as if it didn't matter.

It did matter, Koki could tell. He took Kame's hand, it was trembling. The fans thought it was just fan service.  Koki didn't think of it as fan service, but as Kame service.  His friend needed to know that not everyone blamed him.

After the concert, Maru reminded Koki for the millionth time that Kame didn't care for him. Not that way. Kame was a loner.  Kame still hurt from the first time Jin when to America, when he broke Kame's heart.

Koki looked across the dressing room, to Kame who was changing. Then he dropped his voice low hoping that Kame wouldn't hear. "Kame needs me."

"He doesn't love you," Maru reminded him.

"I know that,”

"Your one sided love for Kame is hurting you. You've got to stop."

"I can't stop protecting him simply because he doesn't feel the same way I do."  Koki looked away from Kame.


Kame knew that Koki was trying to protect him. He thought it was like the first time Jin had left. Koki was doing it because he was a friend.  Then he heard Koki's confession. He had been so exhausted trying to keep the group together that he hadn't realized just how much Koki cared for him.

The concert had been the worst since Jin had left.  Some of Jin's fans had been there. They blamed Kame for Jin leaving. They screamed at Kame that they wished that he had been the one to leave the group. They had even interrupted his talk time.

Kame didn't want to be alone after the concert. He didn't call his non group friends. They wouldn't understand.

Perhaps Koki would understand.

Before Jin had left the group spent time together after concerts. But since it happened, Kame had withdrawn into himself, trying to keep the pain away.

He went to Koki's room. He could hear noise. Koki was playing video games. He paused for a second; perhaps Koki would be too busy for him.

"He doesn't want to come to our party." he could hear Maru telling someone.

"He hasn't answered your calls," Ueda agreed.

"I'm going to his room and ask him." Koki decided. He opened the door. His eyes settled on Kame. "How did you know?"

"I didn't," Kame started to back up. "I thought we could spend some time together, but I see you're busy."

Koki grabbed his hand. Then he looked into Kame's eyes. "The party wouldn't be the same without you."

"Are you sure?" Kame asked.

Koki squeezed his hand. "Please Kame, stay."

Kame thought for a moment, and then he nodded. "I would like that."


Kame spent hours with the group playing video games.  He hadn't had so much fun in a long time.

He sat beside Koki most of the party. He realized it was time. He didn't want to be alone any more. Koki was different; Koki wasn't Jin who had left him twice. Koki wouldn't betray him.

Kame had been destroyed by Junno in the latest game. "Your turn Koki."

He passed the game controller to Koki. Their fingers touched. Kame looked into his eyes.  He hadn't realized he would see so much acceptance in Koki's eyes.

"Kame?" Koki asked.  "What's wrong?"

"I'm no longer afraid." Kame confessed.

Koki smiled a smile that light the night. "I'm glad."

"Are you two going to share the controller?" Junno asked interrupting them.

Koki passed the controller to Junno without looking at him.

Kame suddenly wanted to touch Koki, to kiss him. But he couldn't, not with the rest of the group in the room.

Koki took his hand, the grip strong. There was no hesitation in Koki.

"Oh my gosh! Look at the time!" Maru suddenly said too loudly. "I've got to get to bed!"

"Yeah, we do too!" Ueda agreed. He nudged Junno.

"We don't have to go!" Junno insisted. “It’s my turn to play!”

Ueda grabbed him, whispering something into his ear.

"Tat-Chan’s right, we got to go." Junno agreed.

The group quickly left. Kame was surprised how quickly they were gone.

Kame helped Koki put up his game system.  Koki came up behind him, putting his arms around his waist.

"I promise you, I won't be like Jin." Koki vowed.

"If we get together, I don't want to think of Jin." Kame told him. "I want to think us only us."

"You're everything to me Kazuya," Koki breathed.

Kame turned in Koki's arms. Then Koki was kissing his lips.  For the first time in a very long time, Kame was no longer alone.


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