Protection Money Part Four

Jul 03, 2010 14:24

Title: Protection Money Part Four
Author: Kyoko_godaikun
Pairing:  Junno/Ueda, Junno/OC

Summary: It’s been a year since Ueda Tatsuya left Taguchi Junno. Ueda finds from the tabloids that Junno has a girl friend. Still Ueda knows he has to try and save Junno’s life.


Junno sat in the waiting room of the doctor's small office. Koki stayed with him. Ueda had been in the doctor's office for over an hour and Junno was beginning to get worried. It wasn't like any of his grandfather's men needed to see the doctor. He felt lucky that way.

Tatsuya, after all this time his Tatsuya still loved him. Their break up had been a lie to protect him. Junno felt like it was dreams come true. But other feelings overcame Junno, of revenge. He wanted the men who had hurt Ueda to pay.

"Tat-Chan will be all right." Koki tried to reassure Junno.

"I know that," Junno looked at his hand, to the ring he had never taken off. It had been a gift from Ueda. His lover had slipped it on his finger the last Christmas they had spent together.  He had promised Junno that as long as he wore the ring that his lover would love him forever.

"What's bothering you?" Koki asked concerned. "You're not usually this moody."

"For the first time ever I want to kill someone." Junno confessed. "Those idiots that hurt Tat-Chan deserve to die."

"Why don't you kill them?" Koki countered.

"Tat-Chan wouldn't approve of my murdering someone."

"It isn't killing, it's execution." Koki pointed out. "You do know how to kill. Grandfather made sure of that."

"It isn't a matter of knowing how to kill." He couldn't keep his mind off of Ueda his former lover.

"I don't know why you feel so guilty, you've killed before."

"I don't like killing." Junno said firmly. "I don't have the right to kill someone else."

"It has nothing to do with a right to kill," Koki reminded him. "But sometimes it's something you have to do."

"I don't want Tat-Chan figuring out what the family business is." Junno decided. "I mean it Koki; we've got to keep it quiet."

"I've never told him before, so why would I tell him now?" Koki countered.

Just then the door to the doctor's office opened. Junno leapt to his feet. The doctor came out, followed by Ueda. His hand was bandaged, and there was a bandage on his nose.

"It's good you got Ueda-kun medical treatment." The doctor told him.

"Will he be all right?" Junno asked concerned.

"He should be. He was very lucky. His break was easy to set." She turned to Ueda. "Remember what I told you. You're going to have to change the way you punch people."

"Yes doctor," Ueda told her.

The doctor handed Junno a bottle of medicine. "Have him take these every four hours for pain."

"Thank you doctor." Junno bowed slightly.

"I need to go check on your grandmother," The doctor bowed and left the room.

"How are you doing?" Junno looked into Ueda's eyes.

"I'll be fine," Ueda glanced away from him.

"I was worried," Junno admitted.

A servant arrived at the door. "Prince, Taguchi sama would like to talk to you."

"Yes of course," Junno turned to Ueda. "Tat-Chan stay with Koki. He'll keep you safe. I'll be back soon."


Ueda waited with Koki for several minutes.  An older man came into the room followed by Junno.  Ueda was more than a little afraid.

The man smiled when he saw the two of them.  "Koki, it's been a long time."

"I'm sorry grandfather, works kept me busy." Koki bowed.

"Who is this?" Taguchi Sama eyes swept over Ueda.

"Grandfather, this is Ueda Tatsuya." Junno introduced.

"It's good to meet you," The older man said. "Would you like to come into the living room for a drink?"

"Thank you sir," Ueda bowed.

They went to the living room and Junno's grandfather sat at the head of the table. "Please Ueda-kun have a seat."

Ueda sat down. He looked around the room. It was very extravagant, there were priceless paintings decorating the room. He couldn't help but notice that one of the paintings was one that had been reported stolen on the news several months ago.

Junno and Koki, why don’t' you go visit your grandmother." Taguchi san suggested.

"Right, grandmother probably misses me." Koki left the room.

Junno stood just watching them for a moment. Ueda realized that there must be something strange going on. He wondered why Junno couldn't trust him with his own grandfather.

"I mean it Junnosuke, go visit your grandmother." Taguchi Sama ordered.

"Yes, of course." with one last look Junno left.

"How long have you been with my grandson?" Taguchi san asked as soon as Junno had left.

"I'm not with Taguchi-kun. We broke up." Ueda admitted.

"Why did you break up?"

"I was told that if I didn't stop seeing Taguchi Kun the blackmailers would kill him." Ueda confessed.

"My grandson has moved on," Taguchi Sama told Ueda. "He's engaged to my favorite granddaughter. Hopefully after he's married he will settle down."

"Yes sir," Ueda looked down to his hurt hand.

"Were you his first boy friend?"

"No, he had others," Ueda admitted.

. "Tell me, Ueda-kun, if you really had the choice, would you have broken up with my grandson?" Taguchi san asked.

"I don't get a choice." Ueda repeated looking away from him. "To save Taguchi Kun’s life, we have to be apart."

"But do you want to be with him." Taguchi Sama persisted. "You want to destroy his life. You'll use him, and then when you're finished with him, you'll throw him away!"

"No!  I would never use Junno!" Ueda gasped. "I would never hurt him."

"Then tell me, why do you still torment him?"

"I don't want to torment Junno! I love him. I've never loved anyone the way I do him." Ueda paused. "I only want Taguchi kun's happiness."

"If you really believe this, I want you to promise me that you'll leave Junnosuke alone." he was ordered. "You will make sure you're not alone with him at any time."

"I'll do my best,"

"If you don't stay away from my grandson I will arrange an accident." He threatened. "I'll make sure that the only time the two of you will get to spend together is in heaven!"

Ueda felt a cold chill run down his back. For the first time he realized that Junno's grandfather was Yakuza. He had gone from one dangerous situation to another.

"Well Ueda-kun? What is your choice?" Taguchi Sama demanded.

"I'll stay away from him." Ueda promised.

"I will try and help you find who is blackmailing you," Taguchi Sama said.  "I think it would be a good idea if you stay here until your blackmailer is found. I have some business I need to deal with, but I will talk to you later."


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