Title: Moving In
Characters: Yamashita Tomohisa, Ikuta Toma, mentions of TomaPi friends and the Ikuta household.
Pairings: TomaPi, hints of Akame
Rating: PG (language)
Genre: Fluff/Crack?
Summary: Toma gets busy, and Tomohisa moves in.
Disclaimer: Mine. In my head.
a/n: yeah, so hi. exams are over (were officially over yesterday) and i am a senior! well
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Comments 17
i'm so can picturing this situation... XD
jealous pipi is juz awesome!
but I love the drama! bec it only means that things will get much better after this. ^_^
will prepare myself for tomapi hot monkey sex.. wahahahaha
hhhmmm... is it Jun from 4tops?
for example the "0.74" at the top?
any can anyone explain to me what DoS mean? and why is it called that? and why people say MatsuJun is DoS? (I know, I'm so off topic)
Doshita Doshita Doshita?!?
Gomen for the questions..
DoS-- extreme sadist. i think it's because Matsujun enjoys/gets amusement when other people are uncomfortable/in some sort of a pinch? i'm not sure though, but yeah it has to do something with sadism and masochism. why where'd you find out about Matsujun and being do-s?
and as i said haha, i can't write smex. it's literally impossible. plus, Toma has filming. he's already late. :P
Sorry to butt it. But maybe you should try watching some Arashi vids to find out why Jun is called DoS, specially old ones, because he's not THAT DoS anymore XD
Ok yes he is!! but we love him like that XDD
Is it HaseJun?
But why is it ending so soon T___T i really like it T0T
it's ending because my deadline for this was actually before yamashita's birthday. :) ^^ but i'm sure tomapi writers are out there. <3
2) You are the first doctor I know to write fanfics.... Wont you be a doctor over in my hospital? I'll even write your discharge summary for you :p (LOL!)
3) Hope you pass your exams (they'll be a breeze) and this has got me biting nervously on my lips!!
exams are over, and halfway through them i was thinking of toma. that was so wrong in many aspects haha.
toma in scrubs=asdfghj. ^^
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