{fic} Oneshot: Moving In (Part 4)

Apr 03, 2009 20:19

Title: Moving In
Characters: Yamashita Tomohisa, Ikuta Toma, mentions of TomaPi friends and the Ikuta household.
Pairings: TomaPi, hints of Akame
Rating: PG (language)
Genre: Fluff/Crack?
Summary: Toma gets busy, and Tomohisa moves in.
Disclaimer: Mine. In my head.

a/n: yeah, so hi. exams are over (were officially over yesterday) and i am a senior! well not until may which is enrolment but yeah, that's the vague idea. medical exams (National Medical Admission Test) are on sunday, but since paint is all over the house, i've had rhinitis since yesterday and i haven't been able to do anything [e.g. study and/or write this] so i settled for finishing Ryuusei no Kizuna (oh Ariake Taisuke, why do i like you?) and Voice-- i'm done up until ep10 because TimeLess hasn't released the final episode yet. Ikuta Toma makes one fine intern. i actually declared out loud that he should be a doctor in real life just because he looked soooooo good in the white uniform (when he does his hospital shift). and he looked good with the green scrubsuit too, it's Team Batista no Eiko memories in me, haha i'm starting to adore Mabudachi.

on writing the fic: so yeah i haven't finished the last part but i'm posting this anyway. i hope to post the last part before i leave tomorrow at 6am because i won't be bringing my laptop to my dorm. LAPTOPS are evil especially when one is active in livejournal. fics are evil! haha kidding, but yeah i'll be dead because i haven't studied a thing for sunday!

on the fic: Part 4 of 5. Yeah, the next one will be the last, because it's almost saturday!! here is the angst (i think? dramangst, call it what you will). and for everyone who is referring to Part 3's phone conversation: MATSUJUN DOES NOT EXIST. so yeah, possible hints i can give you are: Osaka, Play, and April 4. after you read this you have 12 hours to netsearch/think of who Jun is; as you can see he's related to the characters. but no, THERE IS NO JUN MATSUMOTO. and oh, i'm clueless in writing smut so don't ask me for it, i will disappoint you. this will be dramangst and fluff until the end. yeah. ^^

Tomohisa's almost 24, i wonder where Toma will take him to. April 9!! But why is it Holy Week here?

For the record, Akanishi Jin exists in my world, and he takes up most of Yamashita's time, but yeah, he's not the one Yamashita goes to bed with. Never will that be Jin. And Yamashita doesn't namedrop Jin when he wants attention. Okay I rest my case.

as usual, please comment!!

Part 1. Part 2. Part 3.


Toma doesn't notice the other intently shooting daggers in his direction, which is why he flinches the moment he looks at Tomohisa. “Wha-what?”

“Your mobile.”


“Love Song? As in my Love Song? And Jun? Explain. Now.” Even Jam is startled at Tomohisa's words, venom dripping from each syllable. She scampers to the living room, seemingly afraid of the dam that is about to break. Toma, on the other hand, remains oblivious for a few more seconds. And then,

“Huh? O-oh,” and Toma realizes that this will be a very big misunderstanding if he doesn't clear things up in the next sixty seconds. “that's not who you think it is.”

“And who am I thinking of, hmmm?” Tomohisa fires back, aggravated.

“I think we both know who you're thinking of, Tomo. No, that wasn't Matsujun.”

“Hah! See, you are so defensive! And dinner-- no, drinks on Saturday? I thought I already said no going out if it's not related to work!”, the younger's voice rises by about three pitches.

“Look, I already said that wasn't Matsujun. And I was actually just about to ask you to come with me to see--”

“Come with you? Why would you want me there, Toma? So you can flaunt yourself and Matsumoto-kun in front of me?” He moves to stand up, and Toma follows suit, both musing looks that could kill, literally. Both of them step away from the table and nearer to each other, their small distance sucking them in and repelling them away at the same time. “No thank you, I'd rather stay at home with YOUR family than watch the two of you drink yourselves to death and violate each other! This is exactly why I'm convinced that moving in is a good idea, I don't know what to do so that you won't go off making out with some random person the moment i close my eyes!”

“I already told you that wasn't Matsujun, listen to me for a god damn minute Yamashita, you are really pissing me off right now.” Toma angrily hisses, his fists balled up, paler by the second because of his tightening grip, his anger quickly reaching the roof. Tomohisa flinches at the use of his last name, which Toma never does except when he is extremely angry or when he talks about the younger in public. He figures that he has crossed the line, so he turns his back on the older one, steadying his breath. Adding fuel to the fire never solves anything, he manages to think beneath the tension.

This, however, is misunderstood by Toma. What the hell? He's actually turning his back on me? Toma forcefully grabs Tomohisa to face him, and before he can process his thoughts and come up with something that doesn't project being pissed off and on the edge, his lid is popped off, confusion and anger and bottled emotions scattering all over the place. “God damn it Yamashita I said fucking listen to me!”

Face, meet fist.

Apparently, the floor is called hardwood for a reason. Tomohisa's eyes widen as he stumbles down, cheek bruising and he is sure neither his manager nor his make-up artist will be happy about this, but that can wait. Toma practically has steam coming out of his nose and ears, eyes aflame with-- anger? Disappointment? Hurt? Tomohisa looks up, eyes also hurt, but beyond explanation, not exactly at the punch but at the words Toma said as he threw it. Their gazes meet and a look of horror crosses the older one's face as he realizes what just happened.

“Oh-- oh my god, Tomo, I'm sorry I didn't mean to--”

“Save it,” Tomohisa looks down, tears stinging his eyes, bile caught up in his throat, his muscles tense and his chest suddenly very constricted. “you actually think I don't listen to you, wow. Just-- just go to work, okay? Maybe I'll see you later, maybe not.” The younger stands up, head still down, and walks upstairs before a dumbstruck Toma can stop him.

The older wakes up from his stupor when he hears his own bedroom door being slammed, and he bolts upstairs, nearly stepping on the surprised Jam's tail. He reaches the top of the stairs in time to the click, and he knows that his door is now locked. “Shit,” now I'm really going to be late. Why the hell did we have to fight today? He lets go of a forced breath, realizes that he has been sighing more lately, and prepares to placate the younger one. He shouldn't have hit him in the first place, angry or not. “But how do I wake him up from that delusion?”, he muses out loud. He hopes that Tomohisa can calm himself down so that they can make up before he leaves for work. Having fights with the younger makes him feel worse than getting the flu for a month.

“Tomo,” he calls through the door, sure that the younger one is listening, “I'm really sorry. You know I am. I'll wait for you downstairs, alright? I'll explain whenever you're ready.” He heads down, sits on the couch, and picks Jam up when the dog comes to him. She bites his fingers playfully, wanting to distract Toma from the fight, but he just closes his eyes and thinks of the many reasons why after more than a decade they are still like kids, full of insecurities and unspoken fears, selfish and not able to fully share each other even with their friends. Almost all of their fights revolve around their jealousy and miscommunication, and even he is amazed at how well they still match each other despite being polar opposites, him being vibrant and impulsive, the younger one always calculating, always careful, always the boss' golden boy; the only thing they have in common is their possessive nature and love for each other, reaching no limits, something that they both know.

Eight- fifty four in the morning, the clock stares at him mockingly.

“God I'm so late, and so dead.”

oneshot, otp, fiction

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