Aah, life. You tend to suck.

Mar 20, 2013 20:11

So, what's been going on in the past week? Work. A whoooole lot of it. Cause they dumped this huge project on my desk with a deadline in like, a week and a half (one week of which I'll be on vacation) that has me working 10-hour-days. Which basically means instead of slowly but surely getting rid of my overtime, I'm amassing even more. I have no ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

luveskane March 21 2013, 12:03:26 UTC
That woman has got some balls LOL.

Good luck on the job front hon. I feel your pain there as a fellow job hunter.


kynikey March 21 2013, 17:06:40 UTC
It's just so, so depressing. I've been looking since November and I haven't had a single offer yet. I keep wondering why I even bothered getting two degrees (especially since I have to pay back a shitload of student loans), since apparently I'm not good enough for anything.


luveskane March 22 2013, 01:32:03 UTC
It is very depressing, especially when you put your career on hold to raise kids and then try to go back, sigh..
You will find something hon, just keep your chin up *hugs*


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