Aah, life. You tend to suck.

Mar 20, 2013 20:11

So, what's been going on in the past week? Work. A whoooole lot of it. Cause they dumped this huge project on my desk with a deadline in like, a week and a half (one week of which I'll be on vacation) that has me working 10-hour-days. Which basically means instead of slowly but surely getting rid of my overtime, I'm amassing even more. I have no idea when to take all the vacation days I have left before my contract runs out, not to mention overtime. Anyway. At least I have my own office now and Replacement!Bitch rarely comes to bother me anymore. Though she actually did today expecting me to drop everything to tend to her very needy needs (for someone pretending to be so great, she sure could be a little more independent. Nobody showed me everything in the beginning and I managed just fine). When I told her I didn't have time and won't have time for the rest of the week and oh, I'm on vacation next week you should've seen her face. Oh, she was pissed. Probably because I foiled some little plan to prove to everyone how great she is. Best bit of gossip? Her business card says "trainee" cause, well, that's our job title. However, since we work directly under the managing director as kind of an assistant to him, she decided her job title was inappropriate and didn't show adequately how great she is, so she changed it to "Trainee as assistant to the managing director". Okay. If it makes her feel more important.

Anyway. Had a couple of job interview last week, which were prime examples why I don't get job interviews. Both were for jobs I neither actually wanted nor was qualified for. For some reason, these seem to be the only jobs I actually get interviews for. If I'm qualified? I get rejection letters faster than I can say "rejection letter". Interview one went on, like, FOREVER. I think after 2 1/2 hours we had to stop because both interviewers had other appointments. But I'm still pretty sure I'm not gonna make to round 2 on that one. The other one must have been the most embarrassing interview I ever gave anyone. OMG, I didn't know anything. AT ALL. And I couldn't even sugarcoat it. So what happened today? I got invited to round 2. What the everloving fuck? Seriously. So basically all I have to do is apply for jobs I don't want and am not qualified for and I'm in or what? Go figure.
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