(no subject)

Mar 12, 2013 19:22

So my replacement is driving me crazy. No idea what bossmann was thinking when he decided it was a good idea to have her start a month before my contract runs out, because not only is this whole thing extremely awkward, she is driving me absolutely insane with her "OMG, I'm so great and I have to prove myself and I have to contradict everything you say because even though I've only worked here for 10 days I totally know everything better than you do, especially how to do your work." AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH! Today took the crown when she decided to forego lunch because she wasn't sure the project we're working on could cope without her for half an hour (Seriously. Her words.). Considering I've been doing fine on my own with much bigger projects, I found that...well, a tad ridiculous. No, that's a lie, actually, I found it infuriating. Especially since that deprived me of the half hour a day I don't have her looking over my shoulder and can actually work in peace. Bad enough that I have to switch offices this week "so she can finally have her own desk". Well, should have thought about that before you decided to have us both there at the same time, shouldn't ya? That's how fast you get tossed to the curb around here apparently. Un-fucking-believable.
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