(A Very Late) Happy Birthday Post!

Nov 07, 2012 00:43

Title: Surviving
Written for:eilowyn
Fandom: BtVS/AtS
Rating: G
Paring/Characters: Part of my LA-Dawn 'verse: Dawn, Spuffy, Phantom-Dennis, Connor (mentioned), Faith
Word Count: ~2300
Disclaimer: The PTB own everything; all I do - I do out of love. All mistakes my own.
Summary: Dawn has a date night that turns out... unexpected. ((Title referring to facebook's ( Read more... )

fic: life- an experiment, flist hearts, btvs is flawed, fic happens here, dawnie is my personal hero, ship: spuffy is a legitimate life choice, fic: btvs

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Comments 11

eilowyn November 7 2012, 13:16:40 UTC
You wrote me my happy family ot3! I love you Kelsey!!


kwritten November 7 2012, 14:02:41 UTC
I did!!! I love you Lexi! I hope you had a fantastic birthday!!!



lutamira November 7 2012, 22:38:45 UTC
Umm, this is awesome. Like, this fic made my day. Every time I thought about it it made me smile, even in the middle of the grocery store (embarrassing!)

Can it just be all happy Spuffy + Dawn domestic!fic all the time? Like, at this point, I really don't need anything else. Just this. :)


kwritten November 8 2012, 09:21:32 UTC
This is the BEST compliment. EVER. Of all time. I'm blushing furiously.

You are the best. I'm so VERY glad that you liked it!

Can it just be all happy Spuffy + Dawn domestic!fic all the time?

le sigh! wouldn't that just be lovely!? I wish I could drop everything and convince my brain to do schmoopy-fic all the time!


rebcake November 8 2012, 06:55:59 UTC
Nail polish! Of course! General Buffy making a tactical plan for the healing of a Very Bad Day is fantastic. I love this loads, but I have to say that the addition of Dennis is the cherry on top. ♥


kwritten November 8 2012, 09:24:57 UTC
Your icon is epic and for this I worship you.

Nail polish is essential! General Buffy tries SO HARD! It breaks me up inside!

I am so, so, so glad that you enjoyed this! And thank you HEAPS for commenting!

I love this loads, but I have to say that the addition of Dennis is the cherry on top.

Yeay! I have an AU-head!canon where Dawn ends up in LA with Phantom Dennis and Spike - with Connor as a regular house guest.


Also - because berating a ghost when cranky MUST be done.


slaymesoftly November 8 2012, 15:13:37 UTC
This was wonderful - captures all the angst and drama, as well as the humor and sisterly affection that we know is there. Loved it!


kwritten November 8 2012, 20:20:26 UTC
*huggles* for this comment!

Thank you so much for commenting! And I am so *pleased* that you loved it!


penny_lane_42 November 12 2012, 01:58:47 UTC
Awww! Poor Dawnie! She instantly became my woobie in this fic--and I was absolutely furious at any guy who would possibly even think of treating Dawn Summers that way! And then we got all the sisterly bonding and Buffy knew just what she needed and everything was beautiful and nothing hurt. I love it!

hovering over her with that special blend of "big-sister-worry" hiding under "I'm not going to push you, but?" mixed with "but I was mad at you!" ... emotions only a sister can know as intimately.



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