[meme] it's not called anything and that's the point

Oct 03, 2014 20:09

I'm out of the hospital and I'm on holiday for the next three weeks, so why not set myself up for an impossible task?

Let's do a fic-writing meme! Sign up for a day and prompt me a character/pairing and whatever something you wish. I know I have a lot of stuff left over from when I tried this in February so for those of you who signed up then and didn't get anything - I'll put you down for a random day with your old prompt and if you want something new or a different day, just comment and I'll change stuff around for ya!

Also (because I'm me) there's a couple of pairings that I *really* want a prompt for and they are given days - if you want to claim that pairing and give me a prompt, I will seriously cherish you.

(If I get more prompts than there are days listed, I will totally open up more days or let this bleed into November depending on what my productivity levels look like. So never fear! if it looks like everything is full, please prompt me anyway!!!)

Oct 5 - Dru/Buffy mirrors for snickfic
Oct 7 - Buffy/Tara thunder/courage for red_satin_doll
Oct 9 - Joyce, Buffy, Dawn ( happy) post-Gingerbread and/or Helpless for red_satin_doll
Oct 10 - Peyton/Brooke domestic fluff for fluffyfrolicker
Oct 11 - Buffy(/Rust or /Maggie); Audrey&/Dawn for kikimay
Oct 13 - lydia/allison; I like the way you write letters; you don't ramble on like you do when you talk. for fluffyfrolicker
Oct 15 - Caroline/Buffy Third time is the charm or something with cookie dough references for snogged
Oct 17 - [moved to the 24th]
Oct 18 - [moved to the 28th]
Oct 19 - [moved to the 30th]
Oct 21 - [[I'll be at the beach - no one gets this day]]
Oct 23 - Ginny/Blaise/(Draco): your/my mother didn't raise you/me this way for happyg_rl's bday
Oct 24 - Dawn/Katniss broshippiness for happyg_rl
Oct 25 - Jia/Fei or Lissa/Rose for ellievanna
Oct 26 - Olivia, Buffy a decent meal for red_satin_doll
Oct 27 - Buffy/Tara experiment gone wrong for une_jonquille
Oct 28 - Faith/Buffy everything I used to be for lokifan
Oct 29 - Caroline/Jeremy, you have always worn your flaws upon your sleeves, and I have always buried them deep beneath the ground for lynzie914
Oct 30 - Ginny/Blaise lost in Hogwarts with a bottle of firewhiskey for eilowyn
Oct 31 - Rachel/Quinn red lipstick smudged for vergoldung

dec meme of doom, writing is painful & magical

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