i normally get little to no sleep.. but man did i hit the snooze yesturday geez.. all i remember after getting home from work yesturday was getting a hair cut and going over my parents place for a quick (and free) meal... lol.. i don't work my second job until sunday.. so thats kinda nice.. today i'm just gonna be chillin.. i just got home from
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why does everyone think i'm anti-social just cause i dont talk to them.. maybe i'm not anti-sociall.. maybe i just don't like you person who asks me why i don't talk to them.. geez
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hmm it seams like i only update like once every six months now a days.. well here is all thats been going on... some of you might know cause ya know me personally or thru the grape vine.. but hey listen up
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my phone is everything but dead at this point.. so if i have missed a phone call from you in the past week or so i'm sorry.. the screen is completely gone now.. so i can't see if i have voicemails or who missed calls are from... oh and as always no texts cause i can't read them and they cost money.. i will hunt you down