Deathly Hallows Pt2

Jul 21, 2011 16:50

So in the last 6 months, I haven’t really been around. It sort of happened by accident, and every time I try to start posting again, I don’t. It’s kinda almost scary coming back, when I am not used to it and I have only managed to read my flist super sporadically the entire time. Still. I figure you’ve got to start from somewhere and this somewhere ( Read more... )

hp: deathly hallows

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Comments 14

aurora_84 July 21 2011, 19:17:17 UTC
*waves at you some more*

A friend of mine is threatening to drag me to HP7pt2 even thought I'm about four movies behind. Oops?

Have fun seeing Rufus! It's been years since I've been to one of his concerts (or since he's come to Belgium), but the two Rufus concerts I was at, were brilliant.


kuteki August 23 2011, 17:04:27 UTC
Well... that was a fail. I can't believe it's been a month since I made this post. Though in my defense LJ broke and then I went to Bulgaria and had no internet.

Did you ever see HP? I saw it a second time at the iMAX, didn't love it, but it was pretty enjoyable. I think now that all books and movies are out you should read/watch them!

Rufus was so amazing I seriously considering going for a second time.


aurora_84 August 26 2011, 21:56:06 UTC
Ooooooh how was Bulgaria??

I unfortunately never did see HP7.5. Maybe that's for the the best cause I still have to catch up on the last, um, four movies.


jeeshee July 21 2011, 21:25:56 UTC
I went to see Rufus and Martha on Tues - definite life highlight!!! Hope you're having a good time!


kuteki August 23 2011, 17:05:37 UTC
Ridiculously delayed reply is ridiculously delayed.

I absolutely adored it, but do wish Rufus had done a bit more songs by himself.


rane_ab July 22 2011, 00:09:21 UTC
they never even said his cloak was the third deathly hallow!

I think Ollivander says it at the beginning of the the movie? It's never emphasised that it's Harry's cloak, but he does mention the three Deathly Hallows at some point.

I did like Voldermort's dying scene, but we seem to have felt the same way upon first viewing the film in pretty much all other respects. *g* I have to say, I saw it again with a friend yesterday (this time in 2D instead of my original 3D experience *shudder*) and liked it a lot better - perhaps because I'd also adjusted my expectations, I don't know.

I did feel the movie focused too much on the action, and as a result, too little on human interaction/emotion. As someone pointed out to me, there are not even any moments between Harry and Ron, which is pretty saddening, and a lot of the more emotional parts were just rushed through.

But yes, Neville! The Malfoys! Luna! I loved a lot of things in the movie that weren't in the book, and vice versa, probably. :)


kuteki August 23 2011, 17:08:37 UTC
there are not even any moments between Harry and Ron

You probably don't even remember making this comment, but I had to reply and say that the thing with Ron really bothered me. Just before Harry was about to go in the forest, they all know he is going to die and Hermione hugs him, whilst Ron just stands there. Why can't Ron hug him too?! I've seen the movie twice now and all they do is share a look! A look is not enough when your supposed best friend is about to die!!!


loki_dip July 22 2011, 15:12:14 UTC
Hello you!

there was such a great opportunity there to show us some of the deaths Harry hadn’t seen (or even ones he did see, where is Fred dying mid-laughter?!) and give these characters the send off that they deserved

THIS!! Lupin and Tonks?? It was a failure of the book that I wanted the film to rectify. And Fred.

Not to mention all of the characters who we barely got to see (Prof. Sprout, Slughorn, ARTHUR WEASLEY, Trelawney, none of whom actually had lines. :( )

But there was awesomeness. Neville in particular (when that shield collapsed? I was the only person to laugh at Neville's face. Oops.


kuteki August 23 2011, 17:11:01 UTC
Hi!! (Um, better late than never?)

I adored Neville, which the books have never make me feel, I think it was due to his face and his ridiculous cardigan.

I did think it pretty amazing they got Emma Thompson in and didn't give her a single line.


loki_dip September 1 2011, 18:01:35 UTC
(Of course!)

Neville is very cute. ;p Matt Lewis certainly helped, he was so badass in the last film.

And yeah, Oscar winning actress. Nothing. The film really needed an extended edition with another hour or so of film!


lauds August 23 2011, 00:48:34 UTC
I think I basically took from this post 'Rufus at ROH' because now I've seen it again I do remember seeing it. /incoherent

basically, have you read this?? (this is where you laugh and point at me for not liking rpf but someone on my flist shoved this at me and in a moment of weakness I read it and now my heart hurts lots omg.)


kuteki August 23 2011, 17:13:21 UTC
What do you think of my HP thoughts, then?

Hahaha! I am laughing, but not because you are now reading rpf, (though I do feel a bit responsible for your corruption) but because I stayed up till half one last night reading precisely this fic! What are the odds?! Why does your heart hurt? It was lovely! :D


lauds August 24 2011, 21:20:10 UTC
OMG SRSLY?? how did you find it? It was a happy ending but so many angsty moments in between and even the happy moments made my heart hurt from the HAPPINESS. :')

urrrgh, hate them. /stillnotoverthehourfinale


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