Deathly Hallows Pt2

Jul 21, 2011 16:50

So in the last 6 months, I haven’t really been around. It sort of happened by accident, and every time I try to start posting again, I don’t. It’s kinda almost scary coming back, when I am not used to it and I have only managed to read my flist super sporadically the entire time. Still. I figure you’ve got to start from somewhere and this somewhere is Harry Potter. I can’t not make a post about the last movie. I wish I could say I have a lot of feelings, but in fact I have few feelings, which is the problem.

There was a lot I liked about it: the magic: the protection spell enveloping Hogwarts was my favourite part of the movie, the multiplying gold in Bella’s vault! Neville was so wonderful, I was never overly sold on book Neville, but movie Neville rocks! Luna, oh Luna I still wish Harry had ended up with you, the part where she shouted at him to listen! The Grey Lady was fantastically cast! Dean, when did Dean get this hot? The Malfoy Family, every single scene with them, really liked that they ran away together! The whole Gringotts scene was superb, the way polijuiced people walk like the body isn’t theirs is a great detail and hilarious, the opening scene in Shell Cottage, liked the conversations with both Olivander and the goblin’s whose name is escaping me. Snape’s memory was wonderfully done, although perhaps more melodramatic than it needed to be, the King’s Cross (but cleaner!) bit was a little terrible, but then again I didn’t like it in the book either, Ron and Hermione killing Horcruxes and finally kissing and then holding hands in every scene that follows! Even the epilogue wasn’t awful! Love that Ron had a bit of a beer belly going and that Hermione looked fantastic and they didn’t even cut Draco’s receding hairline!

So yeah in theory I should have loved it, and I did think that it was good, but the problem with this division of the book is that this part had to be 2/3 final battle, as a result the pacing really didn’t work for me, though I could have lived with that if the emotional connection had been there, and for me it was not. I know that a lot of people did cry, and I really wanted to cry, but there wasn’t a moment to even make me tear up! The one that came closest was when Lavender was being eaten, which was horrific and very well done, there was such a great opportunity there to show us some of the deaths Harry hadn’t seen (or even ones he did see, where is Fred dying mid-laughter?!) and give these characters the send off that they deserved, rather that have a prolonged and unnecessary fight with Voldemort! The walk through the forest, which made me sob uncontrollably when reading the book, didn’t have any emotional impact in the movie. I understand that Harry wearing the cloak the entire time would have made it hard to film, but they never even said his cloak was the third deathly hallow! And then Voldemor’s death was the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen, I turned to my friend and shared my main thought at the time, which was: worst confetti ever. The flaking skin set against the sky with that music was ridiculous.

In conclusion, I think I should see it again, because my friend kept moving his hands in annoyance and it was really distracting.

In other news, I am off to see Rufus Wainwright at the Royal Opera House tonight, feeling super excited! :D 

hp: deathly hallows

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