Title: Bonds of time
Pairing: yamajima friendship and yamachii
Rating: PG
Notes: for mtfanatic because it’s yamachii. This story is fictional, partially inspired by yamajima’s insistence on having been twins in a previous life and a weird vision/dream [product of overactive imagination I'm sure].
Bonds of time prologue Bonds of time ch.1 Bonds of time ch.2 Bonds of time ch.3 Bonds of time ch.4 Yabu watched Yuto try to keep Chii and Yama-chan apart to force them to break up. He introduced Yama-chan to a nice girl named Risako but Yama-chan wasn’t happy. He knew Chii was still the only one Yama-chan wanted. Chii turned red and left everytime Yuto brought up Risako and Yama-chan would watch him leave and would nearly burst into tears. Yuto would try to distract him everytime.
The dramas and concert tours were draining Yama-chan then he got too busy with planning the tours, his own drama and Hi Hey Say to pay much attention.
Daiki noticed too but Yuto had convinced him that if they weren’t careful they would have another AKame and it would get them all in trouble. He got homophobe Hikaru to keep yamachii apart during their new show. He was worried; Chii was angry and withdrawn snapping at everyone. He hoped they were doing the right thing….
Ryosuke was falling apart; their new show, the concert tour and the special unit NYC boys was just too much. He hoped he could make Yuri see he still needed him but they weren’t allowed to be alone together. It hurt that Yuri didn’t seem to see him anymore…he was sinking into a depression and his cheerful smile was fake now. Chii was too busy flirting with everyone else in the new group. He was getting snappy when he was awake and sleeping all the time when he didn’t have to work. He hated to wake up now…he wanted Yuri why couldn’t Yuto have left them alone? He’d been happy…
He barely remembered to eat and slept more then he was awake. He slept in classes and didn’t smile when he didn’t have to. He didn’t care that Ryutaro was taller then he was and he was probably going to be the shortest member soon none of it mattered. He was almost ready to quit. The stalkers, the fans, and the mess of it all; he was almost done…he was at the end of his rope…
He was alone and no one seemed to care…he was invisible once again…
Chii didn’t care anymore…Yuto had taken away the person he loved. He’d been replaced…Ryosuke didn’t need him anymore, he had Risako. Dammit…
He needed Ryosuke but Ryosuke didn’t need him. He was this close to leaving. He didn’t give a damn about Jump, the fans or the money. Without Ryosuke the whole thing was a waste of time. He wanted out…to escape the memories…
The flirting was just a momentary distraction it wasn’t real. It didn’t matter nothing did anymore…
Yuto didn’t see the damage he was causing Jump, he was too lost in his own fears. If he kept yamachii apart he couldn’t be alone. He didn’t see their pain; Chii’s anger or Yama-chan’s increasing depression. He couldn’t see it…if he did he’d have to admit he’d been wrong. The connection yamachii had was too strong so strong that they had found each other twice. Their souls were too entwined to be separated. He had no one like that…
He was too absorbed in keeping them around that he was pushing them away...