fic: thnks fr th mmrs (5)

Jan 06, 2013 23:40

pairing: Kurt/Blaine
word count: 2500 (this part)
rating: nc-17

summary: Kurt and Blaine meet for the first time at Scandals... and then run into each other a second time in the place they least expect.


livejournal - part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part
tumblr - part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part


ldquo;Tell me to stop,” Blaine breathed and Kurt waited a moment, swallowing the lump in his throat before he managed a meak shake of his head.

“I don’t want you to,” he confessed quietly. Blaine was still for a moment before he whispered back.

“I don’t want to either.”

And just like that, the spell was broken and Blaine closed the short distance between them, pressing their lips together. Kurt felt a moan rise from the base of his throat, and a want that he had been holding onto for a long time let itself free, clawing its way through him, his hands burning as he clutched Blaine closer, needing him close everywhere.

“Kurt,” Blaine moaned brokenly as Kurt kissed down his throat, his stuttered breaths washing over Blaine’s sweat slick skin. Kurt quickly undid his bowtie and tossed it aside, pushing Blaine back so he could pull that awful sweater over his head. When it was gone, Blaine was back on him in a second, his own clumsy hands pawing at Kurt’s vest and button down. Once Kurt’s shirt was off, he returned the favour to Blaine, wasting no more time in pushing him back against the desk, whirling him around and pressing Blaine down until his chest was touching the surface of the wood.

“You want it, don’t you?” Kurt hissed and Blaine let out a soft whimper in response. “Tell me.”

“I do, Kurt, I do,” Blaine panted, pushing his ass back into Kurt’s hips as he leaned over him. “God, yes.”

“What do you want?”


“Tell me,” Kurt growled.

“… Fuck me.”

“Yes,” Kurt breathed, smiling smugly to himself as he tugged Blaine’s pants down over his thighs. “You do, don’t you?”

“Since I found you again,” Blaine admitted and Kurt felt something uneasy twinge in his chest at the admission. He shook it off as he discarded his own pants, grabbing the hand lotion that he kept in his bag. It wasn’t lube, but it would have to do. “Hurry up,” Blaine whined and Kurt swatted his ass before spreading the lotion over his fingers and working his first finger in.

“Always so impatient,” Kurt muttered and Blaine let out a broken moan as Kurt worked the first finger in fully. Blaine pushed back on his finger and Kurt didn’t hesitate in easing it out only to push another one back in alongside it. He added a third, twisting and working him open and once he had Blaine panting desperately, writhing under his hands, he pulled out completely quickly getting a condom he kept in his wallet before prepping himself. He hurried, in no position to tease. No, that would imply that this was something more than just another fuck. Because that’s all it was, Kurt told himself. The sexual tension had been there since the first time and they just needed to get it out of their systems. They were colleagues who just happened to be attracted to each other.

That was all.

Kurt gripped Blaine’s hips tight as he eased in gently. Blaine was squeezing tight and pulsing around him and Kurt squeezed his eyes shut at the overwhelming feeling. The press of their skin was burning and he felt delicious heat and want curl around the base of his spine. Blaine whimpered and writhed beneath him and Kurt thrust in, burying himself completely and they both groaned at the feeling.

“You feel so good,” Kurt breathed, burying his face in Blaine’s neck. Blaine whimpered and pushed back against him as he started to fuck into him with shallow thrusts, the sound of their skin smacking together ringing in their ears, slick skin upon skin. It was raw, it was animalistic it was fucking. There was no intimacy about it. Kurt was too far gone to think about anything more than how good Blaine felt around him.

In a sudden movement, Blaine grabbed Kurt’s hand and held it to his heart. Kurt felt something nervous flutter in the pit of his chest. He could feel Blaine’s pulse racing under his skin, imagine his heart pounding like bass strings, Kurt plucking at every one, drawing them out from the inside. There was something so personal about the gesture, about being so close to him that Kurt felt suddenly frightened but he couldn’t pull back now. He could do no more than fuck him harder, pushing him back down against the desk, restraining his wrists.

“Kurt,” Blaine begged as Kurt held him down and Kurt wrapped a tight fist around his cock, knowing exactly what he meant. Blaine groaned as his hips arched into his touch, fucking up into Kurt’s tight hold. Kurt had missed this, he’d missed his skin. He hadn’t had anyone since Blaine and late at night when that familiar ached curled low, it was thoughts of the tanned planes of his body that rose to the surface. He tried to push them down, but he hadn’t quite been able to erase the memory of those plump red lips, wrapped around his cock, or his scotch coloured eyes, darkened with lust.

Apparently, Blaine had missed this too, because it wasn’t long before he was coming, his cock pulsing in frantic jerks in Kurt’s hand, his come spilling over his fist. Blaine let out a soft whine as Kurt continued to fuck into him, the way Blaine arched his back up so he could look him in the eye, whispering his name, just enough to send him over the edge completely, Blaine’s ass squeezing tight around him as he came.

It took Kurt a few moments to recover from it, pulling back from Blaine, gently easing out. They both winced at the squelching sound and Kurt grimaced as he tugged off the condom carefully, tossing it in the trash. Blaine was cleaning himself off with his shirt and Kurt couldn’t quite bring himself to meet his eye as he pulled a tissue from his bag, hurriedly cleaning up his own mess.

“Kurt,” Blaine said quietly. Kurt ignored him, quickly tugging on his shirt and pants, shoving on his shoes. “Kurt.”

“I’m sorry,” Kurt whispered and turned to leave.

“Kurt.” Blaine said again when Kurt was halfway through to the door. Kurt turned reluctantly as Blaine said his name once more. Just once more, just his name, in that full, hurt, wavering voice, brimming with tears.

When he turned Blaine’s eyes were wide and full and hurt and Kurt’s ached in the wake of their full force. “Please… stay.”

Kurt swallowed the lump in his throat and all the bitter comebacks that threatened at the base of it.

“No,” he managed. “It’s too late for that.”

And he turned around, and didn’t look back, waiting until he was in his car before he allowed the tears to fall freely.


He tried to get home but his sobs became so violent that he couldn’t see straight or keep his hands steady, so he pulled over on the side of the road. Unsure of what to do, he called Rachel with trembling fingers and asked her to pick him up.

She was there in ten minutes and climbed into the car beside him, holding him for the next twenty minutes until he could finally calm down enough to stop crying. She drove him back to their house where she assured him that Finn was out so they would have peace to talk.

Once they arrived, Rachel made them both a cup of tea while Kurt sat on the couch, hugging his knees to his chest. He felt like if he let go he might fall apart completely.

Rachel returned moments later with their drinks, taking a seat beside him.

“So,” she ventured carefully, “do you wanna tell me what happened?”

Kurt opened his mouth but the second he went to start, tears welled up in his eyes and Rachel clucked in sympathy.

“It’s about Blaine, isn’t it?” she prodded and Kurt nodded. “But I…” she frowned, “I thought things were better between you two now?”

“They were,” Kurt admitted. “And then he came along to Glee rehearsal and we sang a duet and… and…”

Rachel’s eyes widened. “Oh, Kurt… you didn’t-“

Kurt nodded, tears spilling down his cheeks. “We did,” he whispered and Rachel sighed, reaching over to wrap her arms around him. “And then he asked me to stay and I just left and I couldn’t and I think I ruined everything, Rachel.”

“Wait,” Rachel pulled back. “He asked you to stay?”

Kurt nodded, pulling his bottom lip between his teeth. “But I wanted to hurt him like he hurt me and now I feel like I’ve used him and-“

“Did you want to stay?” Rachel asked blankly and Kurt took a moment to think about it.

“Yeah,” he whispered. “I really did.”

Rachel’s eyes widened and she smacked him on the arm with a little too much enthusiasm  “Kurt!” she cried. “What on earth are you doing here still talking to me about it?”

Kurt stared back at her confusedly. “What do you mean?”

“You and Blaine didn’t even know each other, Kurt!” she exclaimed. “If he had of known you he probably would have stayed, too. After all, now that he does he did ask you to and you wanted to and-“

“Rachel, what are you saying?”

She shook her head at him, giving him a mildly irritated look. “I’m saying that you should get your cute little butt over there and apologise to him!”

Kurt gaped at her. “Rach… after what happened he probably wants nothing more to do with me.”

“You can’t know that,” Rachel insisted.

“But…” Kurt grasped helplessly at straws. “We can’t even be together if we’re working at the same school. Ross would never allow it.”

“Then quit,” Rachel said simply. Kurt gaped at her once more.

“I can’t quit!” he squeaked.

“Of course you can, Kurt,” Rachel said. “If it’s what your heart really wants.”


“Hear me out,” Rachel insisted. “You’ve said it yourself, you don’t want to be stuck at that school forever. You don’t belong there, Kurt. You belong in New York-“

“Rachel, we’ve been over this,” Kurt sighed.

“Not enough,” Rachel said firmly. “Look, I would be there myself if it wasn’t for Finn. We can all pitch in and take care of Burt, okay. He’s going to be fine. In fact, I think he’d be feeling a lot better if he knew you weren’t sitting around waiting for him-“

“It’s not like that,” Kurt interjected but Rachel pressed on.

“Kurt, I know you don’t believe in fate… but this is like everything you’ve been waiting for! He’s just the push you need to get out of that damn school and pursue a life you know you actually want.”

“But what if-“ Kurt protested and Rachel gave him a stern look.

“You need to stop being so scared,” she said, her voice surprisingly soft and sincere. “I know sometimes you lose out and you’ve been through a lot but you can’t stop that from trying in the future.”

A distant memory and too harsh words rung in his ears, echoes of we were looking for something a bit deeper than that, and, it was a good performance but it lacked depth. And yeah, maybe Rachel was right. Maybe sometimes he was scared to wear his heart on his sleeve the way the NYADA scouts had been wanting him, too, but maybe it wasn’t too late to change that.

And maybe the change would even do him a little good.

“You only get out what you put in,” Rachel pressed and Kurt rolled his eyes.

“You spend too much time with Finn,” he teased and she giggled.

“He is my husband,” she sing songed and Kurt felt his heart swell. That star struck love still danced in her eyes whenever she spoke about him and Kurt had always wanted the chance to find that with somebody else.

Maybe Blaine was that chance.

Well, there was only one way to find out…


Kurt could hardly sleep at all that night, tossing and turning with worries about thoughts for the next day.

What if it was all for nothing? What if it was too late and Blaine didn’t want him after all and he went to New York and couldn’t get any work and he failed, yet again.

You only get out what you put in

Surprisingly, it was these words that were the only reason he made it out of bed in the morning. His heart was in his throat as he tried to go about his routine as usual, getting dressed and having his morning coffee. He made sure to leave earlier than usual so he would have decent time to speak to Ross before class started.

When he arrived in the school parking lot, he found his eyes instantly surveying the area for Blaine’s car in his usual park. His heart twisted in his chest as it wasn’t there. Blaine would usually be there by now, but he tried to push all thoughts of a worst case scenario out of his head as he made his way up to the office.

Thankfully, it was too early for most students to be there, so he didn’t have to talk to anyone as he made his way up. He told the receptionist he needed to speak to the principal and she nodded, checking to see if he was free before letting Kurt through.

“Kurt?” Mr Ross looked surprised to see him as he walked in. Kurt rarely had anything to do with the school’s headmaster. He’d never had any troubles with students or other staff members or his work ethic, so really, it had never been necessary for them to have much to do with each other. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”

“Not… exactly pleasure,” Kurt began, wincing and blushing at his choice of words. Mr Ross frowned at his apparent discomfort.

“Is there something wrong, Kurt?”

Kurt took a deep breath.

“I’d just like to hand in my resignation form.”

He put it down in front of his boss who eyed it suspiciously.

“Kurt… have you been having… troubles with the students, or-“

“No, sir,” Kurt assured him readily. “Dalton’s been… pretty much the best place I could ask to teach at.”

“Then why are you leaving?”

“Because I don’t want to teach anymore,” Kurt said simply and Mr Ross nodded in understanding.

“Very well…” he sighed. “I’ll be sad to see you go. The students always spoke every highly of you. For what it’s worth, Mr Hummel, you were a good educator.”

“Thank you, sir.”

“A shame… a shame…” Mr Ross muttered under his breath, signing the resignation with an inky black pen. “The second resignation I’ve had this morning.”

“Excuse me?” Kurt asked, eyebrows shooting up. Second resignation.

“Yes,” Mr Ross sighed. “Mr Anderson, our new English teacher also happened to resign this morning, too.”

Kurt felt gutted.

“Is that so?” he asked, his voice a little higher than usual.

“Mmm,” Mr Ross hummed. “He seemed to want to terminate the contract straight away. We’ll have to get him a substitute for the rest of the week. You won’t mind waiting that out will you, Mr Hummel?"

“No,” Kurt said absently, but he wasn’t really listening anymore.

Blaine had quit that very morning before he had even arrived. He couldn’t even wait it out the rest of the week. He never wanted to see Kurt again.

He had missed his chance.



authors/artists: d, rating: nc-17, genre: au, media: fanfic, length: multi-part

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