Fic: An Accidental Chance (23/30)

Feb 13, 2012 20:14

Media: Fic
Title: An Accidental Chance
Author: slayerkitty
Characters/Pairings: Klaine, Misc canon pairings for season 2
Genre: AU, Romance, Angst
Warnings: Meta (Like woah. I mean really.), Angst, infidelity(?)
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: 3.12 (to be safe)
Word Count: This chapter: 1,067/Total: 53,888
Disclaimer: Glee and it's characters are not mine. I'm just playing with them. All of the songs used in this are also the property of their respective owners and do not belong to me either. Damn it.
Summary: An accidental tweet. A chance phone call. Or what happens when famous TV star Blaine Anderson accidentally tweets his phone number.
Author’s Note: So I got the idea for this fic back in October when Grant Gustin (Sebastian) accidentally tweeted his phone number. As is likely to happen, several fans called his phone, prompting him to realize what he'd done. I was struck by the idea of Blaine as a famous TV star doing that, and Kurt calling him, and a relationship forming because of it. There's a lot(I mean A LOT)of meta here. Fandom tropes, in jokes, and real life cast member events may be twisted to suit my purposes for this fic. I like to think of it as my love song to the fandom. :D As a whole, it's largely an AU of season two, but season three characters may pop up. Warnings and ratings may vary by chapter.

Thanks to missgoalie75 and star55 fore being awesome betas.

This fic is done! I'm planning to update Monday, Wednesday, Saturday from this point on, until it's finished posting. I'm also planning a sequel, though I'm not sure yet on when I'll start working on it.

Previous Chapters: 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ Perfect/ 7/ 8/ 9/ 10/ 11/ 12/ 13/ 14/ 15/ 16/ 17/ 18/ 19/ 20/ 21/ 22

The end of the week came slowly, but Blaine rejoiced when it finally arrived. Now he’d be able to talk to Kurt whenever he wanted - and he could put the whole mess with Sebastian out of his head.

When he turned on his phone, he frowned when he didn’t see a text from Kurt. He shrugged, wondering if Kurt hadn’t had a chance before school. He dashed off a quick text.

I’m so glad we can talk again.

He went to work, recording several songs in the studio. Blaine let the producer take his picture and tweet it, and then headed out to gather his things. It had been hours since Blaine had sent the text to Kurt. Surely Kurt would have sent something back by now.
When he checked his phone, and still saw no message, he got confused. Still, he’d give Kurt until the end of the school day.

He sent one more text (Busy day?) and then headed off to the Dalton set to film.

When he got home that night, and still hadn’t heard from Kurt, Blaine got worried. He sent one more text (Kurt, please call me) and decided that if he hadn’t heard from Kurt in an hour, Blaine would call him.

That hour crawled, as Blaine tried to find something to occupy his time. Finally, with five minutes to go, he gave in and dialed Kurt’s cell number. It rang several times and then went to voicemail.

Okay. So Kurt’s phone was on, but he wasn’t answering it. That might mean that Kurt’s dad wasn’t letting him have it back for some reason. He thought long and hard about it, and then decided he would call the house phone and try to talk to Burt. Just as he was about to dial, his phone rang in his hands. He saw that it was his publicist, and his heart sank.

“Julie?” he answered the phone.

“Where are you?” she nearly snapped, sounding upset.

“At home,” he answered, bewildered by her tone. “Why?”

“Stay there,” she ordered. He could hear the sound of traffic in the background. “I’m on my way.”

Blaine paced around, waiting for Julie to arrive. Her words and tone had sprung all kinds of ominous feelings, and he was starting to panic. His normally unflappable PA had sounded like she was freaking out - that meant it was bad.

Moments later he was telling the doorman to let her up, and waiting in the entry way when the elevator arrived on his floor. She strode off the elevator without so much as a greeting, brushing passed him and into the apartment while removing her coat.

“We have a problem,” she announced, setting her coat and bag on his sofa.

“I’m gathering that,” Blaine replied. “Did I double book or something?”

“I wish,” Julie sighed. “Have you seen TMZ this evening?”

“No.” Blaine shook his head. “You know I don’t watch that garbage.”

“Yeah, well, maybe you should start.” Julie walked over to where his laptop sat on his desk in the corner, and opened it. She typed in a URL and waited for the page to load. Once it had, she turned the laptop around and showed the page to Blaine.

Blaine sank to the couch, a gasp escaping from his lips as he stared at the webpage - a page covered with several photographs of him and Sebastian kissing.


Kurt woke up thinking it would be a good day. After all, he would get his phone and internet privileges back, and he’d be able to talk to Blaine as much as he wanted. In fact, he was doubly excited because he’d talk to his father the night before, and had gotten him to agree to let Kurt spend part of his spring break in LA with Blaine.

If he was extra lucky, New Directions would also be celebrating their big win at Regionals. Kurt let out a happy sigh, practically prancing over to his computer desk and booted up his computer. He ducked into his bathroom for a quick shower, and then ran through his skin care regime for the morning. Kurt dressed to suit his mood, flirty and fabulous, before sinking down in his desk chair to check his poor, neglected email and glance through his Tumblr before school.

His emails were nothing much and he sent out a few replies before clicking over to his Tumblr page and freezing.

Kurt’s brain couldn’t seem to process what he was staring at.

His entire dashboard was covered in pictures - pictures of Blaine, wrapped up in an embrace with one Sebastian Smythe.

Kurt stared at the picture and then started reading the notes on the reblogs. The original note was the worst one.





Dlkfadlifja;eorijaeoisdlkfjadlkfa;dlkjad *dead*

And so on it went, for pages and pages until Kurt couldn’t look at it anymore. His jaw was clenched so tight it ached and was sending as shooting pain into his temples. His eyes were watery with unshed tears, and he blinked, feeling them fall onto his cheeks.

“Kurt, you’re gonna - hey, what’s wrong?” Finn spoke up behind him. Kurt couldn’t speak, and Finn walked closer. “Oh, crap,” he muttered, seeing Kurt’s computer screen.

Kurt lost it then, his shoulders shaking with the force of his sobs, and Finn pulled him in and held him tight.

That was when Burt found them. Finn quietly relayed what was going on.

“Kiddo, are you going to school?” Burt asked.

“No,” Kurt’s refusal was muffled by Finn’s shoulder. “I can’t face everyone and know that they know.”

“All right.” Burt sighed. “Finn, get a move on.”

“Tell them not to text me,” Kurt muttered, pulling away from Finn. “And change your shirt. Snot is not in this season.”

“You sure you’ll be okay?” Finn asked. Burt ushered him out at Kurt’s nod. Kurt flopped back onto his bed after turning off his computer, no longer caring about his clothes. He put his phone on silent, and then pulled the covers over his head and shut out the world.

A/N: I also have no affiliation or claim on TMZ.

authors/artists: s, genre: au, rating: pg-13, media: fanfic, genre: romance, genre: angst, length: multi-part

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