Fic: An Accidental Chance (9/?)

Jan 09, 2012 21:27

Media: Fic
Title: An Accidental Chance
Author: slayerkitty
Characters/Pairings: Klaine, Misc canon pairings for season 2
Genre: AU, Romance, Angst
Warnings: Meta (Like woah. I mean really.)
Rating: R
Spoilers: 3.09 (to be safe)
Word Count: This chapter: 2,326/Total: approx 40,000(so far)
Disclaimer: Glee and it's characters are not mine. I'm just playing with them. All of the songs used in this are also the property of their respective owners and do not belong to me either. Damn it.
Summary: An accidental tweet. A chance phone call. Or what happens when famous TV star Blaine Anderson accidentally tweets his phone number.
Author’s Note: So I got the idea for this fic back in October when Grant Gustin (Sebastian) accidentally tweeted his phone number. As is likely to happen, several fans called his phone, prompting him to realize what he'd done. I was struck by the idea of Blaine as a famous TV star doing that, and Kurt calling him, and a relationship forming because of it. There's a lot(I mean A LOT)of meta here. Fandom tropes, in jokes, and real life cast member events may be twisted to suit my purposes for this fic. I like to think of it as my love song to the fandom. :D As a whole, it's largely an AU of season two, but season three characters may pop up. Warnings and ratings may vary by chapter.

Thanks to missgoalie75 and star55 fore being awesome betas.

Also, I have no knowledge of what film sets are actually like, beyond what I've read/seen on TV and the internet. I apologize for any huge errors.

Previous Chapters: 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ Perfect/ 7/ 8

Monday morning dawned early for both boys. Blaine slapped at his alarm and snuggled up against Kurt who made an adorable noise in response. He wished he didn’t have to get up, that he could just lie here with Kurt and forget everything else.

“Don’t frown,” Kurt’s soft voice reached his ears. “You’ll get wrinkles.”
Blaine couldn’t help but laugh. “I think I’m good for a few more years before I have to worry about that.”

“It’s never too early to start proper skin care, Blaine,” Kurt scolded.

“Says the man with the forty-five minute skin care regimen,” Blaine teased. “I really thought that was a joke until you got here.”

“I never joke about skin care,” Kurt sniffed delicately, raising his chin.

“Well,” Blaine said, moving closer. “Considering how smooth your skin is…” Blaine stroked his cheek and Kurt’s eyes shut reflexively. “I’d say it’s worth it.”

They both jumped when the alarm blared loudly again, and then laughed. “Guess it’s really time to get up.”

“Why don’t you shower while I grab us some breakfast?” Blaine offered. “I have to let hair and makeup take care of this mess.” He pointed to the severe bed head he was sporting.
Kurt touched Blaine’s hair lightly. “All that gel is going to ruin your hair, you know.”

“Believe me, I know,” Blaine replied. “Now go, or we’ll be late.”


Kurt was practically bouncing in the passenger seat of Blaine’s car. They’d just pulled into the studio lot and Blaine was pinning a visitors badge to Kurt’s jacket.

“Please make sure you don’t lose this,” Blaine told him. “It would really suck if you got thrown out or something.”

“I’ll guard it with my life,” Kurt agreed. “They’ll have to drag me away.”

“Well, that would be something to see.” They got out of the car, and headed for a studio door. “Ready for your first glimpse of Dalton?”

Kurt nodded, and Blaine opened the door. He was captivated by all of it; the set, the sound stage, all the people running around. “Wow,” he gasped out, glad it was just him and Blaine for the moment. He did not want to seem like an idiot if he met anyone Blaine worked with. They approached the set and Kurt gripped Blaine’s hand tightly. A group of boys in navy blazers was huddled in the middle, talking and laughing.

“Watch this,” Blaine whispered to Kurt. “Oh, yeah!” he sang loudly, making Kurt jump. The boys turned around in surprise, but replied without missing a beat.

“Bop, bop!” They sang.

Kurt stared from Blaine to the boys and back. “Do you have them trained or something?” he asked. Blaine laughed.

“Nope,” he told Kurt. “It’s a Warbler cry.”

“That’s very nearly bordering on adorable, Blaine.” Kurt smiled.

“I try.”

“So, Anderson, why so late this morning?” Nick bounced over from the group. Kurt could feel all their eyes on him and tried not to look freaked out. “Could it have something to do with Kurt here?”

“Bite me,” Blaine said.

“Seriously, you better haul ass to hair and makeup - they’re in a rush to get these new scenes done.” Nick grinned. “We’ll take good care of your boy, here.” He put his hand on Kurt’s shoulder.

“Don’t torture him,” Blaine warned.

“I’m hurt, Blaine.” Nick clutched both of his hands to his chest. “You know me.”

“That’s what I’m afraid of,” Blaine muttered. “I do have to go. The boys will tell you where to stand so you’re out of the way.” He squeezed Kurt’s hand and then walked away. Kurt let Nick lead him over to the rest of the guys, and introductions started. Kurt wisely kept his mouth shut and didn’t indicate that he already knew their names and more from the Dalton fan base.

It was like a freaky interrogation: they all wanted to know everything about him. Kurt tried to answer as best he could, but he wasn’t sure how much to reveal. He definitely kept the fact that he and Blaine were now dating to himself.

Jeff herded him over to a chair with Blaine’s name on it. “You should sit here, out of the way.”

“Are you sure?” Kurt asked. “It’s Blaine’s chair.”

“Trust me,” Jeff said. “He’d want you to sit in it.”

Blaine chose that moment to come around the corner, talking with a taller guy Kurt didn’t recognize at first. He nearly gasped as he took in Blaine’s appearance - gone was Blaine Anderson - he was staring at James. It wasn’t until the other guy laughed at something Blaine said that Kurt recognized him. Sebastian Smythe, newest member of the Dalton cast and playing a guy named Toby. Rumors had circulated weeks ago on Tumblr that Toby was going to be James’ new love interest, and speculation had run wild that since Toby was a gay character, the two might actually start dating.

Kurt swallowed hard around the suddenly lump in his throat as he watched Blaine and Sebastian interact. Blaine must have felt his gaze, because he turned around and gave him a quick wave. He could see Sebastian’s curious expression and waved back at Blaine, giving him a smile.

Filming started with the click of the slate and Kurt gave it his full attention. He couldn’t wait to see Blaine in action. Christmas decorations were all over the room as they were filming some last minute additions to the Christmas episode airing the following week. He watched as James interacted with his fellow Warblers, mediating an argument. Kurt couldn’t help but chuckle to himself at some of the dialogue. This was going to be a good episode, if the scenes they were filming today were any indication.

The Warblers left the room then, leaving James alone. He grabbed his bag and started to leave the room, only to see Toby in the doorway. Kurt watched as James and Toby talked, flirted, and then looked awkward as they came to stand under the mistletoe together. There was a long pause as they booth looked up at the mistletoe hanging and then stared at each other. Kurt inhaled sharply when Toby leaned down to press a kiss to James’ cheek.

Okay. He could be a big boy about this. Blaine was an actor. He was going to kiss other actors sometimes. It happened all the time. However, the way Sebastian was looking at Blaine made him uneasy - it seemed more than just Toby looking at James.

He forced himself to push those thoughts away and focus on Blaine, who was approaching him now that the director had called cut. “Having fun?”

“This is amazing,” Kurt couldn’t help but gush. “You look so… different.”

“It’s the uniform,” Blaine replied, smiling.

“It’s crazy that there’s such a transformation between you and James,” Kurt told him. “So… what happens now?”

“Now we wait for them to change the set a little,” Blaine answered. “And then you get to watch me perform.”

The set dressers rolled a grand piano by them and moved it onto the set, and then moved a few things around. The director came over and got into a discussion about where exactly some of the Christmas decorations should go, and Blaine sighed.

“Let’s do something fun while we wait.” He took Kurt’s hand and pulled him over to the piano.

“Are we allowed to do this?” Kurt asked.

“Everyone else is goofing off,” Blaine pointed out. Kurt turned around and realized that Blaine was right. The Warbler boys had come back to the set for the next scene, and most of them were lounging on the furniture. Nick and Jeff were holding up some of the Christmas decorations and taking pictures, probably to post on Twitter in order to cause a sex riot. Blaine started playing a song, and Kurt recognized it after a moment, and laughed.

Blaine gestured with his head that Kurt should sing, and after a second of hesitation, Kurt opened his mouth.

“I really can’t stay,” he sang, thankful he knew the lyrics to “Baby, it’s Cold Outside.” Blaine joined in, and they sang the entire song with eyes locked on each other. They didn’t notice when the room around them fell silent, as everyone listened. When they were done, everyone clapped. Kurt was embarrassed, but he also wanted nothing more than just to lean over and kiss Blaine right then.

He knew he couldn’t though. Kurt looked away from Blaine, feeling awkward. As the guys around them went back to what they were doing. “I should probably go… sit.”

“Okay,” Blaine murmured. “But when we get back to my place, I’m going to kiss you twice for every time I wanted to and couldn’t do it here.”

Kurt’s face turned bright red. “I look forward to it,” he spoke breathlessly, and then got up and headed to his chair.


Filming wrapped, and Blaine took Kurt’s hand as they walked out to the car. “So?”

“It was amazing,” Kurt told him. “You’re amazing.”

“I’m glad you had a good time.” Blaine squeezed his hand tightly. They made the drive back to Blaine’s place in silence, gripping each others' hand. They managed to make it inside the building and up to Blaine’s floor before Blaine made good on his promise.

The minute they stepped into the entryway, and the elevator doors closed behind them, Blaine pushed Kurt into the wall and devoured his mouth.

Kurt made a startled noise against his lips, but relaxed into the kiss, his arms twining around Blaine’s neck. Blaine pulled back after a second, dropping kisses lightly along Kurt’s jaw and down to his neck. “Do you know,” Blaine began, “how hard it was to keep my hands off you today?”

Kurt let out a whimper and the sound only made Blaine want him more. Time was pressing down on them. They only had one more night together, and then Kurt would be going home.

Blaine finally managed to get them both inside his penthouse and the two of them fell onto the couch, kissing desperately. Blaine registered all the sound Kurt made and was sure he was making a few of his own. Nothing else mattered but memorizing as much of Kurt as he could. They moved around, shifting, touching, and somehow Kurt ended up straddling Blaine’s lap. Blaine’s fingers dug into Kurt’s back, and then slid down so they were resting on his ass. He didn’t mean for it to happen, but a need for Kurt to be closer led to him pulling on Kurt and forcing Kurt’s pelvis to grind into his. They both groaned at the sensation, and Kurt ripped his mouth from Blaine’s, staring at him with wide eyes.

Blaine knew they weren’t ready for that yet, and he hadn’t meant for that to happen, but holy hell it had felt good and damn if he didn’t want more. He could see the conflict in Kurt’s eyes though, the want battling the fear, and Blaine knew they had to take a step back.

“Sorry,” he apologized. “I got carried away.”

“It’s okay,” Kurt murmured. He looked thoroughly debauched; his mouth swollen from kissing, a couple of purple marks forming on his neck, and his clothes in wrinkled disarray. He was simply gorgeous.

“We should…” Blaine trailed off, hoping against hope that Kurt would suddenly agree to keep going, but knowing he wouldn’t just the same. “Cool off.”

“Yeah,” Kurt breathed out. “That’s probably a good idea.” He slid off Blaine’s lap, and Blaine nearly whined at the loss.

“I’ll go see what’s for dinner,” Blaine finally said, getting up and adjusting his jeans to try to get some comfort.

“Okay,” Kurt agreed. Walking into the other room was the hardest thing Blaine had ever made himself do.


Dinner was a quiet affair, as was the movie they watched after. When they snuggled into bed that night, Blaine pulled him close, staring into his eyes.

“I don’t want to go to sleep,” Kurt whispered.

“Why’s that?” Blaine asked softly.

“Because if I do, it’ll be morning and I’ll have to leave,” Kurt replied. “I don’t know what I’ll do not seeing you every day.”

“We’ll figure it out, Kurt,” Blaine promised. “As soon as I get some time, I’ll fly out and stay for the weekend.”


“Promise.” Blaine rubbed his nose against Kurt’s and then kissed him gently. “Go to sleep, Kurt. Tomorrow will still come either way.”


The next morning was a flurry of packing Kurt’s things. Blaine made breakfast and called for the car and then there was nothing to do but wait. Kurt ate his food around the lump in his throat. He promised himself he wouldn’t cry in front of Blaine. It was going to be hard enough to walk away from him.

The intercom on the phone rang and Blaine answered, and thanked whoever it was after a moment. “The car is here.”

“I don’t want to go,” Kurt said, feeling his eyes well up even though he swore he wouldn’t do this. He blinked, forcing the tears back.

“I know,” Blaine pulled Kurt into his arms. “Call me as soon as you land.”

“I will,” Kurt mumbled into Blaine’s neck. “I wish you could go to the airport with me.”

“It would be harder to say goodbye there,” Blaine told him. “You should go.”

“Blaine, I-"

“Shhh,” Blaine cut him off before kissing him. “Go, before I refuse to let you leave.”

Kurt didn’t know how, but he managed to pull himself away from Blaine, pick up his bags, and step into the entryway. He could feel Blaine watching him from the doorway as Kurt pushed the button and called for the elevator. He got in the elevator when it arrived, waiting for the last second to turn around. His eyes locked on Blaine’s and he gave his boyfriend a little wave as the doors slid shut.


authors/artists: s, genre: au, media: fanfic, genre: romance, genre: angst, length: multi-part, rating: r

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