Title: Nothing's So Loud (4/10)
Media: Fic
a_glass_parade (GlassParade)
Rating: PG-13 to mild R in the future.
Pairing: Kurt/Blaine, reference to past Quinn/Finn and current Rachel/Finn
Genre: Romance, AU, Movie Adaptations
Warnings: Mentions of attempted suicide.
Spoilers: While events and references from all three seasons of Glee may be adapted and worked into the story occasionally, it's otherwise fully AU.
Word Count: Currently 18,000+
Summary: Blaine Anderson is the easy going skateboarding slacker who's carried a torch for sheltered class Valedictorian Kurt Hummel for the last year. On the day they graduate from high school, he decides to do something about it. There's no way they should work. Everything will conspire against them. Can this unlikely pairing prevail?
Additional Notes:
gameboycolor and
naderegen wanted 90's Klaine. I suggested updating Cameron Crowe's iconic movie "Say Anything" to 1998 and making Blaine and Kurt into an analogue of Lloyd and Diane's star-crossed romance. This very loose adaptation, for better or for worse, is the result. Title is from the song "All I Want" by Toad the Wet Sprocket.
Apologies, but AO3 posting for this story has been suspended for now! They're having issues with their latest release that are making it impossible for me to post there.
First Half: (
Blaine opened his mouth to retort that no, there was not in fact anything interesting about it at all, but that was when Finn came streaking out of the house dressed as a giant Mud Hen...)
Second Half: (
The declaration took Kurt's breath away. It was several long moments of Blaine's steady gaze on him before he could find the words to respond. “I don't even know what to say to that. Thank you seems so inadequate.”)