Title: On the Wings of Jays
Chapter: 2/?
Pairing[s]: Klaine [Kurt Hummel/Blaine Anderson] Slight Finchel [Finn/Rachel] and Barole [Burt/Carole].
Rating: Eventually NC-17
Spoilers: Mainly for season 2, maybe later there will be some for season 3.
Warnings: Cancer is involved as well as M/M, Smut, boy-on-boy Sex.
Summary: Blaine Anderson and Kurt [Hummel] Anderson have already been through college. They made it through a break-up, they have their own home, and their own life in New York. They ride on the story of a Blue Jay, and they go through the problems of day-to-day life while being painfully in love. Of course, life is full of the unexpected. It’s the way they handle it that matters most.
A/N: This fic began before we knew very much about Blaine. Thus, he is older than Kurt. The fic is based on an AU, with only a few references back to the canon of Glee. Also! There was no beta for this chapter! I would also like to thank Wes for reading every chapter and providing feedback. (: I plan to update this fic every Wednesday until it’s complete.
Read here! (: