Three days off after today. In a row. Wow. What on earth will I do with myself!?
Obama won Iowa. I am very pleased. I just truly pray we can get him into office and then pray double time that if we do, he does not disappoint. We need fresh blood so badly. We are an anemic nation at this point.
I had a lovely Christmas. My 98 year old grandmother (soon to be 99) presented me with her engagement ring which she wore on her finger for seventy years. It is my favorite thing in the world.
Right now if anyone in the world wanted to know who I was all they would have to do is listen to PJ Harvey's album White Chalk. This album has hit every nail inside me.
I really like the job so far. Everyone there has been super nice and I love how casual it is. Plus I think I am kind of getting the hang of the computer. There is a fucking TON of things to know, but everyone is open to questions so that is good :)