CW RPS: Jared/Jensen, NC-17

Feb 17, 2007 18:42

Title: A Song For You
Fandom: CW RPS
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 5,595
Summary: Jared tries to think of his and Jensen's song.
Notes: Thanks to neroli66 for the awesome beta! This is set in my Love Shack 'Verse, so you should be familiar with those stories.

Jared laughed and clapped his hands together when Alyson sighed and collapsed against the counter, her forehead hitting the wood with a clunk. Granted, their last customer had been overly talkative and horribly boring, but Alyson seemed a bit stressed lately. He reached over and patted her on the back, making cooing noises as if she were a baby. Then he realized how ridiculous he looked and pulled back with another laugh.

“I feel the need for intelligent conversation with someone who doesn’t think that Gigli is the best movie ever made. I mean, seriously! Who does that?” Alyson asked with an exasperated wave of her hands as she stood back up and leaned back against the counter.

“I don’t know how much intelligence you’re gonna get out of me right now,” Jared admitted with a laugh. He looked over at the clock for the thousandth time during his shift and tried not to think of the smile Jensen would greet him with when he got off. Well, he smirked and thought it would be before he got off but once he was home from work.

“At least it would help get rid of the song that’s stuck in my head right now. Do you and Jensen have a song?” she asked as she hopped up on the counter and dangled her legs over the edge. Jared knew Kripke would have a fit if he saw her doing that, but her ass was probably cleaner than a lot of the hands people put on that thing. Although, Alyson was kind of a dirty girl herself.

“We don’t,” Jared said with a tilt of his head. “Should we? It is some kind of relationship rule that we should? You and Jeff have one?”

“Easy partner,” Alyson said with a laugh. She held up a hand and ruffled his hair; a habit that Jared had hoped people would grow out of. The minute Mike started doing it, he was going to shave his head. He really was. “Yeah, we do,” she said with a smile. It looked kind of devious, but Jared was intrigued.

“And it would be…” Jared asked, waving a hand in the air at her. Alyson laughed and swatted it away, shooting him the biggest smirk he’d ever seen stretch across her face.

“Come to Poppa by Bob Seger,” she said. Jared raised an eyebrow and watched as she flushed and her cheeks turned a faint shade of pink. She squirmed on the counter-top, and Jared thought he might have to leave and give her some alone time. Though if he did, Kripke would really be pissed about the counter.

“I haven’t heard that one,” he told her, backing up when she glared at him. “Sounds sexy though?”

“Oh, you have no idea. And when he sings it to me with that beard pressed against my skin. God…it just sends shivers through me. And…you’re starting to look a little uncomfortable. Let’s just say it was a hundred times better than my song with Mike, which I will not admit too. He and Tom have an awesome one, though.” Alyson winked at him and started to swing her legs back and forth.

“I’m almost afraid to ask what theirs is,” Jared said with a snort. He had images of Mike belting out some random Wham song and Tom cringing at him.

“Message to My Girl by Split Enz. It’s a great song, actually. Mikey gets it right every once in a while.” Alyson laughed, and Jared could only imagine what her and Mike’s song used to be. As a general rule, he avoided questioning either one of them about that relationship. Some things didn’t need to be shared between friends, and since he arrived on the scene well after it was done, he figured he didn’t have to know.

“So everyone has a song but Jensen and me? I bet Chris and Amber have one already? I’m totally not a trend-setter,” Jared said with a grin. His face fell a little when Alyson gave him a sympathetic look, and he realized he’d better have a song to tell her by the next time they worked together. He wasn’t sure it should worry him so much, but if the rest of the Love Shack crew was doing it, he better be doing it too. It was a rule about coolness or something.


Jensen was lounging on the couch, only half awake, when Jared walked into their apartment. He was still getting used to the idea of it being his, but it was a good feeling. His family might have turned their back on him, but he really did have a whole new family with Jensen and their friends. Maybe it counted for something. Grinning, Jared took a flying leap and pounced on Jensen, causing him to flail his arms and shout out an exasperated, “Ack!”

“Honey, I’m home!” Jared shouted, chuckling as he nestled into Jensen’s warmth. Some guys had all the luck and got to stay home watching TV all day long while their cute, younger and adorably sexy boyfriends had to shelf movies and handle disgruntled customers and bring home the bacon. Jared wondered if they actually had any bacon, because he was kinda hungry, but shrugged it off because he had more important matters to discuss.

“Why am I always the woman?” Jensen asked before pressing his lips against Jared’s. The kiss was short and sweet and everything Jared had been looking forward to all day long. “Don’t answer that,” Jensen said with a snort. He shoved at Jared so he could sit up, and brought his legs up onto the couch, turning so he could face Jared.

“Why don’t we have a song?” Jared asked him, not bothering with preliminaries. They’d been together long enough that Jensen knew how Jared’s mind worked.

“Because we’re not famous recording artists?” Jensen asked, quirking an eyebrow at Jared. He laughed at the confused look on Jensen’s face and lightly smacked his boyfriend on the arm.

“No, I mean like our song. Like one we hear and go all mushy over. We should have one. Everyone else I know has one,” Jared said with a nod.

“Everyone else being?”

“Well, Alyson and Jeff, Mike and Tom, and Chris and Amber. I’m not sure about theirs yet, but I bet Chris wrote it, which is way more romantic than coming to Papa,” Jared said, his words tumbling together in a rush to get them out of his mouth.

“I don’t want to know,” Jensen said, laughing as he kissed Jared hard on the mouth.

“I’m serious,” Jared said as he pulled out of the kiss. He threw in a pout for good measure and made his best puppy dog eyes at Jensen. “What about…I don’t know, Desperado?”

“Sure thing, Elaine,” Jensen said. He broke out laughing, and Jared ran one of his large hands across Jensen’s face, covering his mouth and putting a stop to the laughter that was bubbling past his lips. Really, people needed to start taking him more seriously.

“Okay, bad choice. Any suggestions?” Jared asked. He thought for a second and then took his hand off Jensen’s mouth, just as Jensen stuck his tongue out to lick his palm. Tucking that idea away for later, Jared smiled and waited for the wisdom his boyfriend would surely bring to the situation.

“Why do we need just one? A lot of songs remind me of you,” Jensen told him. He looked so cute and confused and Jared had to lean over and kiss him again. Before he could get taken over by the feeling of Jensen’s soft lips pressed against his, Jared pulled back and thought for a moment.

“You’re right, you know. I bet I could go through my CD collection and find a song for each letter of the alphabet that reminded me of you and I. Why stop at one song? That’s a little too clichéd and low class for our liking,” Jared said, licking his lips as he shot Jensen a leer.

“Okay, so what’s A then?” Jensen asked as he settled in by Jared’s side. Jared wrapped an arm around Jensen’s broad shoulders and contemplated things for a few seconds.

“Ani Difranco, Both Hands,” he said after a pause.

“Oh God!,” Jensen cried out, turning his face towards Jared’s. “I’m dating a lesbian!”

“Oh, come on,” Jared said, laughing. “It’s a sweet song. Besides, you like it when I have both of my hands on you, caressing your smooth skin and parting your thighs. Admit it.”

“Okay, yeah…that’s a situation I can get into. Want to part them now?” Jensen asked as he wiggled his eyebrows and licked his lips.

“After we get through the alphabet. I’m very serious about this,” Jared told him, doing his best to keep his expression sober. “I guess B is Ben Folds, The Luckiest. Do you know that song?”

“Yeah, kinda sweet but in an unconventional way. A lot like you,” Jensen said, smiling at him again. His eyes were bright, and Jared knew he was holding back another joke, but didn’t push it. “What about C?”

“That’s an easy one,” Jared said as he leaned over and pressed an open mouthed kiss against Jensen’s neck. “Christina Aguilera, Candyman.”

“Candyman?” Jensen asked, his voice faltering as he backed into Jared’s touch.

“Yeah. ‘He’s a one stop shop, makes the panties drop.’ If I wore panties, they’d be dropping for you twenty four seven. ‘He’s a sweet talkin’ sugar coated candyman.’ That just about sums you up,” Jared said, laughing as Jensen gave him a weird look.

“Does this mean I can talk you into a pair of panties? Because I have to admit…the idea doesn’t exactly frighten me.” Jensen blushed a bit, and Jared realized that he really couldn’t deny him anything. Hell, he’d put the damn bra on if it made Jensen happy.

“You let me cover you in pixie stix powder and lick it off and it’s a deal,” Jared told him in all seriousness. Jared ran his hand over the short hairs along the nape of Jensen’s neck as he watched him blush harder.

“Deal,” he croaked out, his voice cracking on the simple word. Jared quickly debated over the merits of cherry versus blue raspberry and made a note to hit up the candy isle at Hollywood Video on his next shift.

“Dierks Bentley, Come a Little Closer. Mainly because I feel like laying you down on a bed of sweet surrender where we can work it all out. You up for that?” Jared asked, smirking when Jensen’s blush deepened. He knew his boyfriend had a thing for the curly haired country singer, and hell, he was a gorgeous man. If he were available, Jared definitely wouldn’t say no to a threesome.

“Good one,” Jensen mumbled. “What about E?” Jared rested his head on Jensen’s shoulder; a hard feat since he was too damn tall to curl up much on the couch.

“Elton John, Your Song. I’ve always loved that one and never felt like I knew anyone it would apply to. And your eyes change colors so damn much that it’s hard to remember what color they are, anyway. Plus, I’d pretty much do anything for you,” he said, trailing off at the end. Sometimes it was hard to feel so much for one single person, but it made his chest ache in such a deliciously warm way he couldn’t imagine living without it.

“I’d do anything for you, too,” Jensen said, his voice barely a whisper. And Jared knew it was true, too. Some people said things just to say them, but Jensen only said what he wholeheartedly believed in. Jared never could get over how damn lucky he was to have stumbled into this relationship.

“And moving on...Faith Hill, The Way You Love Me. You know I’m all about the country music and she really hit it with this one. I love the way you love me, Jen,” Jared said before nipping on Jensen’s ear, tugging on the soft flesh between his teeth. Jensen let out a growl and Jared backed off, knowing he’d never get through the alphabet if he was too distracted.

“Mmm, good one,” Jensen said, sighing a little when Jared took his teeth off of his ear. “Let me guess…G is something Garth, right?”

“You know me so well,” Jared said with a laugh. “Let’s go with Unanswered Prayers, because I had some truly awful wishes back in the day.”

“Oh yeah? Who could you have ended up shackled to instead of me?” Jensen asked. He licked his lips, and Jared nearly zoned out watched the pink tongue dart out to moisten lips that were made for sinning.

“Uh…Kelly Reynolds. I was so in love with her during freshman year and she didn’t even know I was alive. There was one incident involving Valentine’s Day and a box of conversation hearts, but I’d rather not go into it,” Jared said. He could feel his cheeks getting hot. That had pretty much been the worst day of his high school career. It even beat out the day he realized that maybe - just maybe - he was really kinda gay by getting hard in the showers after gym.

“Well, she’s a dumb bitch then. How could anyone pass you up?” Jensen asked as he held up Jared’s hand and pressed a soft kiss against his palm. Jared smiled at him and hoped his cheeks stopped reddening sometime soon.

“Well, maybe the world was saving me for you? Anyway…enough high school embarrassment. H…Herbie Hancock, A Song For You. It’s got Christina again, who I really shouldn’t admit to liking so much, but it’s another mushy song that makes me smile.”

“And you have such a great smile, so I can’t hate anything that makes you smile,” Jensen said. He reached up and trailed his fingertips over Jared’s lips, and Jared couldn’t resist sneaking out his tongue to lap at Jensen's fingers. “Now what about I? That’s got to be a hard letter.”

“Oh yeah,” Jared said as he pursed his lips and thought. “INXS, Burn For You. And I know you don’t know that one, but it’s something I heard somewhere along the way. One of my babysitters really had a thing for them. ‘It’s always an adventure, the fantasies we make a fact. You’re the secret I desire. I can’t keep that to myself.’”

“Oh, I like that. Let’s here it for babysitters!” Jensen said, smirking. Jared smacked him lightly on the back of the head and rolled his eyes. How could someone be so smolderingly sexy and so damn lame at the same time?

“And continuing on…J. Oh! Josh Turner, Your Man. Damn, that’s a sexy song,” Jared said as he leaned back into the couch. He could already imagine Josh Turner’s deep voice singing the lyrics to them.

“I’ve been thinking ‘bout this all day long. Never felt a feeling quite this strong. I can’t believe how much it turns me on just to be your man,” Jensen sang softly, his voice sending shivers along Jared’s spine. Jensen’s voice always got to him, and the lyrics went half to his heart and half to his groin. Jared shifted on the couch and tugged at his jeans, determined to get through the damn alphabet before he had to stop and jump Jensen.

“You need to stop singing before I jump you,” Jared said, his voice deeper than normal.

“And I would put a stop to that because?” Jensen asked, smirking at him.

“Because you care about my list of songs about us and are on the edge of your seat awaiting letter K?” Jared shot back after one final shiver racked through his body.

“Oh yeah…well enlighten me, Jare.”

“It has to be Kane, even though it’s kind of cheesy that we know the band and all. Chris and Steve should be proud we love their songs so damn much. More Than I Deserve. It’s not on the CD, but I really loved it when they played it at the bar the other night. Don’t tell the guys though, it’ll go to their head,” Jared said, laughing when he pictured Chris puffing out his chest and preening about how awesome he was. He had Amber to stroke his ego and didn’t need Jared to pick up the slack.

“Yeah, Chris has enough ego anyway, and Steve has the groupies to tell him how fantastic he is. You better not be turning into a groupie,” Jensen said, eyeing Jared warily.

“Oh fuck no!” Jared said, giggling. “Can you picture me by the front of the stage, waving my underwear at Steve?”

“Actually, I kinda can. Christ, I need to bleach my brain now,” Jensen said with a growl as he rubbed at his eyes with the heels of his hands. Jared laughed and clapped him on the back, wondering why his boyfriend was such a big freak.

“We’ll move on then. L has to be Lonestar, Amazed even though it got overplayed by every radio station that ever existed. I don’t even think Mike allows it to play at his store anymore. It’s too bad, because the lyrics are perfect. Baby, I’m amazed by you,” Jared told Jensen, laughing when Jensen peeked through his fingers and eyed him cautiously. “No more underwear waving, I promise.”

“Okay, and yeah…good song. Plus it’s representational of our home state or something,” Jensen said, joining in on Jared’s laughter. His eyes lit up and Jared had to duck his head and kiss him quickly before moving on to the next letter.

“M is more about what I think about when I think of you instead of something cheesy and romantic. Marcy Playground, Sex and Candy. I think it fits the Pixie Stix plan pretty well, don’t you?” Jared asked, his mind going back to the image of Jensen with blue raspberry sugar sprinkled over his abs. His mouth watered and he couldn’t wait to get the damn candy so he could attack Jensen with it.

“You’re really gonna make me do that, aren’t you?” Jensen asked as he looked down at his hands.

“Yep. No getting out of it now, sugar lips,” Jared said. He waited a few seconds for Jensen to raise his head and glare at him and then clapped his hands together happily. “Oh, don’t even start. You love me.”

“I do, and it worries me sometimes,” Jensen admitted with a chuckle. Jared slapped him on the arm and pretended to pout. Nobody pouted like Jensen, though. Those lips…they completely ruined Jared. “Okay, N?”

“Oh, this one’s easy!” Jared cried out as his face lit up. “Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, Fishin’ in the Dark.”

“Seriously?” Jensen asked, looking at him funnily.

“Yeah, dude! It’s such a brilliant song. And I’d really like to take you fishing somewhere on my grand-daddy’s farm where we can just sit around on the shore all night and fall in love beneath the moonlight.” He blushed a bit, surprised at exactly how much thought he’d put into that scenario.

“I’d love that,” Jensen told him as he reached out a hand and cupped the back of Jared’s head. He sighed and leaned into Jensen’s touch, wondering for the thousandth time that day how he managed to get so damn lucky.

“Okay…so O. Oh, this one’s easy too! Ok Go, You’re So Damn Hot, because well…you’re so damn hot it hurts sometimes,” Jared said, smirking when Jensen turned red. He knew from experience that the blush spread down over his chest, and longed to push Jensen’s shirt up and travel the redness with his tongue. However, he had to get through this before the sex happened, if only so he could tell Alyson how awesome he was next time they worked together. So he pushed the thought of Jensen’s deliciously flushed skin out of his head and willed his erection to calm the fuck down.

“I am not,” Jensen finally said.

“You are too, because I say so,” Jared said, his lips pressed against Jensen’s ear. “Just give in and go with it, babe. I’ll continue so you can avoid any further embarrassment, okay? What are we on…oh yeah, P. Oh, this one’s just because it’s been stuck in my head from Mike playing it all the damn time. Pussycat Dolls. Buttons.”

“Oh man. Mikey would be so proud!” Jensen said with a snicker.

“Well, I want you to loosen up my buttons, baby,” Jared said as he picked up Jensen’s hand and brought it up to the collar of his button down shirt. He was half teasing, but moved into the touch when Jensen started to unbutton the top button and work his way down. Jensen bent his head and traced his tongue over the hollow of Jared’s neck, and Jared cupped his face in one hand as he threw his head back and let out a low moan. Jensen tongued his way down Jared’s chest, slowly working open the buttons on his way down, and Jared thanked every God he could think of that he never wore undershirts.

“Q?” Jensen asked as he reached Jared’s jeans. Jared stared down at him, sure he was teasing, but Jensen just winked and sat back on his heels. He was such a damn tease.

“Uh,” Jared said, clearing his throat as he tried to get some blood to flow back to his brain. “Queen, Don’t Stop Me Now. And really, please don’t stop now.” Jared cringed at the whimper that escaped his mouth when Jensen settled back into his seat and sent Jared a sinful smirk. His boyfriend was such a whore. He really was.

“You’re the one who wanted to push through this,” Jensen reminded him. Jared knew he had to be hard, and a look at his crotch confirmed that he was straining against the cotton of his pajama pants.

“Yeah, I know. I’m so dumb sometimes,” Jared said, sighing as he focused on breathing and not his aching cock. Jensen might be a tease, but he always put out, so Jared just had to finish with this damn alphabet before they could get to the good part. “What are we on? R…Rascal Flatts, Bless the Broken Road.”

“Another good one,” Jensen said, nodding a little. Jared knew he must look a mess, with his shirt open and his pants tight. How did Jensen just coolly sit there while he was burning up on the inside?

“Yeah. ‘Cause everything I’ve done in the past has led me straight to you,” Jared said as soon as he could get his mouth to stop watering and start talking. “Moving on…S. Sara Evan, Perfect, because you’re good enough for me.” He snorted at Jensen’s quick look of confusion and could see when the lyrics clicked inside his head.

“It doesn’t have to be perfect, right? It just has to be you and me. I like that,” Jensen said. Jared nodded and pulled him to his side again, nuzzling Jensen’s neck as he thought about the next letter.

“T is Tim McGraw and Faith Hill, It’s Your Love. It just does something to me, Jen,” Jared said as sweetly as he could manage. Sometimes Jensen didn’t take a compliment well, but he took this one, smiling back at Jared. “And we have to get this moving so I can ravish you, so U is U2, Stuck in a Moment and V is Van Halen, Why Can’t This Be Love because they’re the only artists I can think of that start with those letters.”

“You’re such a goon,” Jensen said with a chuckle. He reached out a hand and trailed his fingers down Jared’s nose, the light touch nearly driving him insane.

“But I’m your goon,” Jared said, laughing as he leaned into Jensen’s body. They might be a bit soft in the head, but they had each other. They’d be fine. “And W has to be something by Warrant. Oh, I got it! Cherry Pie!” he cried out, clapping his hands together with glee. Jensen’s face went into his worried cringe, but Jared shook his head and continued. “No, it’s a good thing. You’re my cherry pie. Cool drink of water, such a sweet surprise. You taste so good you make a grown man cry,” Jared said, unable to keep a bit of the tune out of his voice. He didn’t usually sing, but Jensen wouldn’t make fun of him.

“I guess I can handle being your cherry pie,” Jensen conceded as he casually nodded at Jared. “Good luck with X.”

“We’ll come back to X,” Jared told him, already knowing what his answer would be. “Y will be Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Maps, because maps don’t love you like I love you.”

“I should hope not,” Jensen said, a worried look overtaking his features. “Too many paper cuts.”

“Christ, you’re wonderful,” Jared murmured as he buried his face in Jensen’s neck and just breathed him it. “And now we’re on to Z! Yeah! It has to be ZZ Top, Sharp Dressed Man.”

“You think I’m a sharp dressed man?” Jensen asked skeptically.

“Of course!” Jared told him, nodding his head enthusiastically. Then he ducked his head and blushed a bit before speaking again. “I kind of have a slight thing for you in your Hollywood Video polo. It’s just kinda sexy for some dumb reason.”

“Could it be because you’re a big perve?” Jensen asked, laughing as Jared’s head flew up and he glared at him.

“Only for you, baby,” Jared said after he recovered.

“Good, keep it that way. Now you said we’d come back to X?” Jensen asked. Jared winked at him and climbed into his lap, placing one knee on either side of his thighs. He placed his hands on the back of the couch and dipped his head to catch Jensen’s mouth with his own. He tasted like peppermint and a faint trace of something he could only describe as Jen. Jared delved into his mouth, thrusting his tongue against Jensen’s.

“X is for when I distract you with sexy X rated things,” he whispered into Jensen’s mouth before claiming it again. He ground his hips down, rubbing their groins together as he sucked Jensen’s tongue into his mouth.

“I think X is my favorite letter,” Jensen said, his voice breathy as he pulled out of the kiss and skimmed his hands down Jared’s bare chest. He pushed at the open shirt, shoving it over Jared’s shoulders and locking his hands behind his back. Jared went to tug at it, but Jensen shook his head. “Leave it,” he said, growling as he flipped their positions and straddled Jared. Jared’s hands were stuck between the couch and his back, but Jensen’s tongue was tracing the stubble across his jaw, so he really couldn’t complain.

“Damn good letter,” he managed to choke out, trailing off into a breathy whimper when Jensen ducked his head and latched onto a nipple. He circled his tongue around the areola before sucking the bud into his mouth, worrying it with his teeth. Jared longed to reach out and cup Jensen’s head; to hold him against his chest. The need for it went straight to his groin, and he could feel himself leaking against his jeans.

Jensen slid off of his lap and fell to his knees on the floor. Jared looked down at him, his cock twitching as Jensen looked up through impossibly long lashes and licked his lips. Then he raked his nails over Jared’s thighs, digging into the denim that covered them. He slowly eased his hands up to Jared’s fly and unzipped it, tugging roughly at the material as he worked it over Jared’s hips. He pushed up off the couch, helping Jensen undress him and ached to touch him.

Jensen shoved Jared’s jeans and boxers down, pressing a quick kiss to the head of his cock before rocking back on his heels and pulling off his own shirt. He ran his hands over his chest, smirking at Jared as he twisted a nipple, moaning deep in his chest before sliding his hands down to his own fly. Jared watched with wide eyes as Jensen snuck a hand inside his jeans, palming his cock and growling before he tugged at the material and shoved it down. He had to rock backwards so he could shimmy out of the jeans, and Jared’s gaze locked onto Jensen’s hard cock, unable to look at anything else.

Then Jensen knelt in front of him again and he lost all ability to think and speak. Jensen looked delicious, his lips already ruddy from their kissing and his mouth parted and so damn close to Jared’s cock. Jared shivered when Jensen slowly looked him up and down and then placed a hand on either of his hips. He tugged at the shirt wrapped around his wrists, unable to do much about removing it.

“Please,” he begged, his voice sounding raw and fucked out already, Jensen just did things to him.

“Yeah, okay,” Jensen said, smiling as he bent down and licked up the length of Jared’s cock. He swirled his tongue around the head, licking up a drop of pre-come before pressing his flattened tongue against the slit. Jared bucked his hips, unable to keep still as Jensen slowly worked his way down his length, swallowing him inch by inch. He struggled to keep his eyes open, not wanting to miss out on the sight of Jensen sucking him off. His lids were so damn heavy though, as if they’d been dipped in honey and wanted to stay closed. He gulped and stared down at Jensen, already panting as Jensen snaked a hand around to cup his balls.

Then Jensen started humming, the vibrations shooting through Jared’s cock and making his spine melt. One hand held his hips down and the other slid back further, one finger caressing the space behind his balls. Jensen pressed down with the finger, and Jared cried out, his eyes opening wide as he strained against the shirt around his wrists. He wanted nothing more than to cup Jensen’s face in his hands and fuck that sinful mouth.

Jensen pulled back and started pumping him with one hand as he lapped at the head of his cock, his spit easing the strokes. Jared could feel his insides shattering; a feeling that started at the base of his spine and spread out through his limbs. His thighs were shaking by the time Jensen swallowed him again, deep throating him so that his nose was pressed against Jared’s pubic hair.

He couldn’t help rocking his hips, and if that moan Jensen let out meant anything, he didn’t mind too much. Jared thrust into Jensen’s throat, the tight, wet heat enough to make him lose it. He shouted Jensen’s name as he came, emptying himself in thick, long spurts into Jensen’s mouth. Jensen pulled back and caught most of his come, a few drops leaking out of his mouth and coating his lips as he pulled off of Jared’s cock with a wet pop.

Then Jensen was in Jared lap, rocking his hips against him as he panted in Jared’s ear. “So fucking gorgeous,” Jensen mumbled before crushing their mouths together. Jared lapped at Jensen’s mouth, picking up stray drops of his come and loving the taste of himself on Jensen’s lips. He tugged at his sleeves again, wanting to bury his hands in Jensen’s hair or wrap a fist around his cock.

Jensen was doing just fine on his own though. His dick found the perfect spot along Jared’s hipbone and he rolled his hips, humping Jared as they kissed. His pre-come and the thin coat of sweat covering Jared’s body easing his movements. Jared moaned into the kiss, growling as Jensen sucked on his tongue, pulling it into his mouth before breaking the kiss and moaning in the small space between their mouths.

“That’s it,” Jared said, using words when his hands were out of the question, “Come for me, Jen. Want you to come for me.” He was half-hard again, but could only think of Jensen. He nuzzled his neck, nibbling lightly on Jensen’s jaw as they rocked together, slick bodies sliding over each other.

“Jare,” Jensen choked out, breaking off into a grunt as he came, hot splashes hitting Jared’s hips. Jared sighed and kissed his neck, sucking hard enough to leave a mark as Jensen shot his load against his side. Christ, he had a thing for that man’s come.

After a few moments, Jensen sighed and sat back on his thighs. “Why does everything always end up in sex for us?” he asked, laughing when Jared shrugged, his hands still bound together behind his back.

“Because we’re young, sexy, and in love?” Jared asked.

“Works for me,” Jensen said, kissing Jared hard on the mouth once more before sliding out of his lap. He reached back and removed Jared’s shirt, bringing his wrists out so he could look at them. “Didn’t hurt you, did I?” he asked, genuine worry in his expression.

“No, but you’ll have to let me in on all your other little kinks,” Jared said, smirking when Jensen blushed a little.

“Someday,” he mumbled as he massaged Jared’s wrists, getting the blood flowing into them again. They were kind of sore, but Jared figured it was worth it.

He was satisfied and covered in Jensen’s come. Life was good.


rar of all the songs

love shack, jared/jensen, cw rps

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