ABC meme

May 31, 2013 19:40

I've been very quiet online lately.  Just haven't had much to say.

So here is a meme I grabbed from one of my favorite people in the world.
I met rivertempest online after reading some of her Spuffy stories.  She has
moved on to Harry Potter and Sherlock fandoms now. We've managed to form
a friendship outside our fandoms.  Fandom makes for wonderful ( Read more... )


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Comments 6

debris4spike June 1 2013, 10:18:56 UTC
I had to find some paperwork last week - so ended up spending hours shredding old bills etc ... boring, but glad it's now done.

My dad's mum's family all had nicknames -
Edith = Mick
Emily = Rose
Rosa = Pess
Ada (my grandma) = Dine ... so much so at her funeral it was a visiting vicar and he called her Ada and everyone looked shocked as to whose funeral they were at!

Tomatoes - I could live on them!


kudagirl June 1 2013, 10:52:34 UTC
I knew all of my extended family by nicknames.
Mom - Bill or Bea
Dad - Fatty
Brother - Buck
Mom's family
Grandfather - Pa
Grandmother - Mam-maw
Uncles - Jack, Son, Sonny
Aunts - Nannie, Dot
Dad's family
Grandmother - Mrs. Miller - seriously we called her that. We did not get along and that was what my mom addressed her as so we did as well.
Grandfather died long before I was born.
Uncles - Biggen, Chicken Those were the ones I knew
Aunts - Sis, Red I can only remember those off hand.

I can eat cooked tomatoes, but raw make me ill. Funny thing is Robert is the same way. He is my child in so many ways. LOL! Also Tommy doesn't like them. So we avoid them when we eat out. I carry meds to take if our food has them by mistake.

My biggest problem is paper. I need to shred so much of it. My shredder died so I've been using Robert's off and on.


debris4spike June 2 2013, 19:37:30 UTC
My mum, until us kids were born, avoided calling her mother-in-law anything ... then she called her grandma, and that sorted out that tension!

The rest of us have boring names ... it is Jiffy who, even though only 7, has collected the largest collection of names ... including The Personage, Little Man, Hoss and Terror!


kudagirl June 3 2013, 01:15:43 UTC
I avoided calling my ex's mother and father anything as well. They never said what I should call them so I didn't feel comfortable calling them by their first names.

My two babies have lots of nicknames as well. Baby Girl, Pretty Girl, Thena. Maximus, Maxillian, Sweet Boy.

Robert has three names. John (for his mom's father), Robert (for his dad's father) and Patrick (for their best friend's father)for some strange reason. Everyone called him Patrick when he was younger. With his red hair, he got nicknamed Pepperment Paddy. He did not like that one. When we moved to Germany, the school asked him what he wanted to be called. He decided to go as Robert. Lots of his friends now call him Bert. His mother's family still calls him Patrick. They hate that he likes to be called Robert.


gosh piggy1 June 1 2013, 21:30:09 UTC
those are nice nicknames our nicknames are not that nice, hehehehe.
our lil one is- one shoe nelson
Tiff is - Trollie aka rat teeth
Mel is - bulldog aka giraffe
my hubby is- Bigfoot or Yeti
and me- Little Head
It sooo funny!


Re: gosh kudagirl June 1 2013, 22:01:23 UTC
I guess it isn't just a southern thing. LOL! Can't say I liked being called Chigger. Chiggers are not fun creatures. My mom said when my dad first saw my brother, he said "Hi there, Buck". Poor guy tried to leave that name behind when he left home. We went to visit him when he became engaged. My mom called him Buck and his soon to be wife giggled like crazy. He was know as Clint where he lived and worked a long way from us in TX.

I grew up calling my uncles Son and Sonny. It never occurred to me the names were almost the same till years later. It had confused one of the people who married into the family. I then wondered why I had never noticed it myself.


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