ABC meme

May 31, 2013 19:40

I've been very quiet online lately.  Just haven't had much to say.

So here is a meme I grabbed from one of my favorite people in the world.
I met rivertempest online after reading some of her Spuffy stories.  She has
moved on to Harry Potter and Sherlock fandoms now. We've managed to form
a friendship outside our fandoms.  Fandom makes for wonderful friendships.

A-Age: Right now 60
B-Bed size: Queen
C-Chore you hate: Shredding paper…paper gets away from me.
Junk mail, copies of things I don’t need anymore.  I tend to have
piles of paper about.
D-Dogs' names: Athena and Max
E-Every morning: I always wake up before the alarm.  Bugs me no end.
F-Favorite color: Green It just makes me mellow.
G-Gold or silver: I have both in jewelry. I don’t really have a fav.
H-Height: 5'3"
I-Instrument you play: None. No talent in music at all.
J-Job title: Guest services.  Fancy name for returns.
K-Kisses or hugs: Mmm…I’m not too crazy about strangers touching me.
For some reason people seem to think it’s okay to hug me.  Now if I know
you, not a huge problem. It’s the people who I don’t know who seem to
think they can just grab me and hug me.
L-Home: I live with my youngest stepson.  He owns a brick four bedroom.
He moved in with me when he went to college after being in the military.
Then he bought a house so now I live with him. Every time I mention moving
out he gets mad.
M-Mood: Tired.  Just tired from everyday living.
N-Nicknames: Kuda, that’s my online name. My dad called me George.
I have no idea why.  My family all had nicknames. From the time I was a baby,
I was called Chigger. I was a teen when I finally figured out my brother’s name
wasn’t Buck.
O-Operations: D&C twice. Two diagnostic laparoscopies. Some dental work.
P-Pet peeves: Lies. Lie to me and you are dead to me.  Bullies and haters.
Q-Quote from a movie:  Do you understand the words coming out of my mouth?  (Rush Hour)
R-Right or left handed: Right handed. I do use my left quite a bit.
S-Siblings: One older brother, deceased.
T-Time you wake up: Between 4:30 am and 5:30am.  I seldom sleep past that time.
U-Underwear: Only when I leave the house or someone else is around the house.
V-Vegetable you dislike:  Can’t eat raw tomato. It gives me heartburn.
X-X-rays you've had: Dental, back, shoulder, elbow, ankle
Y-Yummy food you make: I love to bake or make sweets. I get requests for peanut brittle.
Z-Zoo favorite: I’m not much for zoos. I was in my twenties the first time I went to a zoo.
I grew up with dogs, cats, cattle, horses and other farm animals so zoos don’t really do
much for me. My mom said I hugged every dog I met as a child. She was amazed I was
never bitten. She was so not an animal lover. I drove her crazy.


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